This Is Crap!

I was hoping for something better when I seen 'Previously Banned' On the cover.


It is one of the worst Bava, an awful mess of a film where next no nothing makes sense, shoddy writing where any sort of logic is flushed down the toilet. It's just impossible to believe in the characters or in anything that happens to them. Too much casual killing without narrative. Perhaps if you take it as a deadpan farce...

Its only redeeming qualities are the cinematography with some moody lightings and the spectacular death scenes by maestro Carlo Rambaldi. Even Bava's constant zoom-in, zoom-out, blur technique looks like he's just being lazy.

He died only 9 years after that film, I think he might have been tired. He wasn't the great filmmaker he used to be. His later films also suffer from a drop in quality (not as steep as Fulci's, though). I also wonder how deep was the involvement of his son, Lamberto. He's only listed as assistant director, but the downfalls and shortcomings of Reazione a catena are also the ones that plague his own films.

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