Why are Kubrick's dialogue so dull?
I don't understand this man. Some of his films, e.g. Paths Of Glory, Full Metal Jacket, Dr. Strangelove, are all brilliant and truly great cinema. But then he makes movies like e.g. A Clockwork Orange and 2001, where the concept and story are interesting and the message is great with some masterful scenes, but many of the other scenes are so dull with boring character displays that eventually you loose interest in the film. I'm not interested in seeing a doctor signing papers, astronauts eating breakfast or a woman doing yoga in her living room. I don't understand why he makes these certain long and dull scenes, sometimes it's a like I'm watching a whole different director. What's the point really? If any of you Kubrick fans know then please tell me, and please spare the patronizing "you're stupid"-comments some Kubrick fans tend to throw at people. Thanks.