Film's setting is a problem.
OK, maybe this film is really more about Vietnam, and maybe this is beside the main point, but...this is an anti-war movie. The main character and his friends want out of the war. Thus I feel this movie would have worked better if it had been set either during the Korean war or had been shown from the perspective of the Germans later in the war after the tide had turned against them (like CROSS OF IRON). Set in WWII from the American perspective, the anti-war theme for me is negated. We got into the war because Japan attacked us and then after going to war with Japan Germany declared war on us. We were in the war because we had to be. It was about democracy triumphing over facisim. I can only wonder how actual WWII vets would feel if they saw this film, what they would think of the protagonist's attitude of,"I don't wanna fight no more."