MovieChat Forums > Catch-22 (1970) Discussion > Who was your favorite character: movie ...

Who was your favorite character: movie v. book?

The book was great, and the movie was a pretty good adaption.

In the book, Nately was my favorite character, no questions asked. Artie Garfie is amazing, and I was so happy that Nately was played by one of my favorite singers lol. once I saw Arkin as Yossarain, though...

He was the perfect Yossarian! haha

Who did you like, if you read the book or not, movie-wise?



Ex PFC Wintergreen is my favorite minor character in literature. He has power all out of proportion to his rank because he is smart and good at his job.

Orr is my second favorite character.


My favorite character was Clevinger and Dunbar, they seemed pretty smart.

Quite amazing no one has mentioned the Chaplain.


I find it difficult to choose one character to call a favourite... In the books I love Yossarian, Orr and the Chaplain.... plus of course poor old Major Major Major Major... and ex-PFC Wintergreen...
I thought Yossarian was perfectly cast in the film =]


I read the book first, saw the movie second, and I have always liked Yossarian in both. I suppose that I sometimes can identify with him, at times.


Danby (in the movie)

"What difference does it make when one's heart is breaking?" - Carole Lombard [My Man Godfrey]


Chief White Halfoat was my favorite from the book followed by Major —— de Coverley. Gotta love the way the Chief put away "Pass the Salt Walt" Flume. Of course —— de Coverley's "Gimme Eat" is a classic


havent seen the movie yet, but Milo is the most awesome character in the book. just the whole ease and grace at which he moves through the war, dealing with germans and americans alike, sheer genius! i think he was the only character(along with that old dude at the whore house) that had a sober outlook on whats going on around him.


In the book, Yossarian, Nately, Major Major, and Scheisskopf.

In the movie, I actually liked Milo. Not that I was particularly fond of his character or anything, but I liked the way he was portrayed. And I thought Yossarian was perfect too.

play dumb, play dead, play straight.


"Some men are born to mediocrity, others are thrust upon them,". Book: Major Major Major Major. Film : the old man in the whorehouse, "I am a very moral man!".


I desperately adored the chaplain in the book. He came off as a little weird in the movie, though. I also really liked Major Major and Hungry Joe (and Huple's cat). In the movie, I liked Yossarian.

My deviantart:


Maj. Major Major Major might be my favourite from the book. It's a real shame they didn't have the scene with the two CID men visiting him in the movie. When I read it I thought "this would be stunning to see acted out", but alas absolutely none of the Washington Irving subplot made it in to the film.

Also Doc Daneeka was great in the book but rather diminished in the movie. I do love after McWatt crashes though "Poor Doc" -- "I'm right here!" -- "Poor Doc, didn't stand a chance."
