Least favorite episodes?
What do you think are the weakest episodes of the show?
I maintain that even a bad "odd couple" episode is still better than most of
the crap out there, and Tony and Jack always did their best even
if the writing wasn't so funny.
That said, one of the weaker episodes in my opinion was "I'm Dying of Unger".
Felix getting bitten by the animals was funny ("Hello, little frog! Bebebebebe!!!") and of course, Murray's nose in the peep hole of the apartment door is classic, but there really isn't much to the rest of the episode that makes sense...
--Oscar is given *three days* to write a complete book?
--He does no research whatsoever, and gives up after *one day* of trying?
--Felix is entirely motivated by the hope that Oscar will dedicate the book to him?
--Out of nowhere, Murray suddenly has a cabin?
"If intelligence equals power, you sir, are a weakling" Stubby-9