Murray sucked

Gavin Macleod may be the worst actor ever. And he looks 10 times worse surrounded by those other great actors. (Except Georgette, who also makes me sick). I can't watch any episode that features him. Just had to say that.


He is great, in my opinion. You needed him the balance the outrageousness of Ted. Plus, he seemed like he was a loyal friend to the others in the office and had a sweet little crush on Mary. I found him very endearing.


His character, in my opinion was needed to deliver the barbs to ted that Mary 's character wouldn't


Just a guess - but I think your distaste for Gavin Macleod may be more for the character of Murray than the actor who played him.

Mary Tyler Moore broke new ground in the 70s in that the characters were more believable and less one-dimensional than ever before. Rather than being 100% one way or the other, they were a lot more like people we all actually knew. Some people have noted that - for a leading lady - Mary herself wasn't nearly as drop-dead gorgeous as so many other leading ladies of the day. But she was never supposed to be. She was supposed to be someone most women could relate to and most men felt they could actually have a chance with.

With Murray, as a supporting 'best friend' kind of character, a lot of people felt he was really kind of whiny and annoying. But again he was never supposed to be perfect. He was just supposed to be a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of guy - as best exemplified by the fact he never tried to hide his baldness.

Murray got on my nerves too. But if anything I think that's a tribute to Macleod's acting ability.


'Just a guess - but I think your distaste for Gavin Macleod may be more for the character of Murray than the actor who played him.'
Just the opposite for me; My distaste is for the actor, not the character.


I was never impressed by Gavin Macleod as an actor, whether he was on Love Boat or Perry Mason. But the man had a sense of comic timing to rival that of Bud Abbot or George Burns.


I thought he was fine as the king of the zingers and as Mary's sounding board, but the few episodes that featured his character seem weak


subtlety, timing, delivery, the illusion of spontaneity, humble but iconic appearance, proper vocal skills for the character and a tiny fault (baldness). Gavin Macleod was PERFECT as Murray. the wit needed for the humble matter of fact aspect of Mary, the blustering straightforwardness of Lou, and the stupidity of Ted.



I thought all were great. Esp. Ted.

Rhoda's the only one I'm less crazy about.

Scariest words in English: We’re from the federal government and we’re here to help. R. Reagan


I was least crazy for Ted.
I think over the years Murray did pretty well as a character (except for the crappy I Love a Piano episode--one of the WORST of the entire series!) I think he developed well- meaning you know him, his back story, how he feels, etc. This is not too complicated is it ?
The episode wherein Murray feels that life is passing him by was great! I believe this was the first time a sit-com tackled this issue? Very well written episode.

"In every dimension , there's another YOU!"


Murray was going to buy a piano for $2500?

On his salary?!

Wotta rube! 
