MovieChat Forums > Kes (1970) Discussion > That PE teacher was a bit of a paedophil...

That PE teacher was a bit of a paedophile.

We watched this in our English lesson, and it struck me that the PE teacher was a bit of a perve, what with him watching young boys stark naked in the showers. I mean, he even FORCED Billy to have a shower. Pupils beware, the evil paedophile PE teacher of doom is on the loose!

"I shall need to operate."
"Operate? She's dead."


What a pathetic comment you make - totally unqualified and ignorant. There is always room for intelligent speculation and debate when the sensitive issue of nudity rises in youth. I personally feel it was right for the film - which is just a personal view and will differ from others. If I ever had a grievance it would mainly be aimed at the director and film-makers - not the actor!
Of course if you saw something in the scene that mirrors your views you have shared - then perhaps you should look seriously at yourself. I believe you will find little support for your, in my opinion, bigoted and uneducated, comments.



For gods sake why do people always try and find something that isnt there? There was nothing in the scene to say that he was "perving" after the boys - you obviously misunderstood the film completely - if you're looking for filth then this masterpiece wont give it to you


Here here! author of Life After Kes


If he was maybe he would have acted kinder towards them. :-)


No, he wasn't a paedophile. He was accurately portraying life in Northern England Schools in the 60's. I know - I was there. Compare this memory...
I went to Bradford Grammar Scool which was much more "upmarket" than Billy's School. At the time, it was a boys only school. It was one of the few schools with it's own swimming pool. One time, I left my swimming trunks at home. No excuse for swim class said my instructor - it's all boys anyway.
there was a gallery above the pool and half way thru the lesson, the dinner ladies came thru and stopped to look down and watch us.
"Right lads, 10 lengths backstroke" barked our teacher.
I never forgot my trunks again.



The nasty fictional teacher since Wackford Squeers.Was this bully an ignorant pig or just pig ignorant?


Was this bully an ignorant pig or just pig ignorant?

He was a PE teacher, therefore he was both.

"The hour is come but not the man"


Bastard !


He didn't ogle him or touch him sexually, so how is he a paedophile? He made a teenage lad have a shower after games, much to the relief of anyone who had to sit near him for the rest of the day.


The PE teacher probably forced Billy to take a shower because he did not bathe regularly at home.


Ugh, how horrible. To force kids to run around and be physical if they don't want to (some people just aren't very athletic, it's not in their personality) and then to force them to shower naked in front of other guys.

I feel so sorry for all the people who had to undergo that as a child. May that archaic and abusive system of schooling be gone forever.


Yes, forcing children to run around, get some fresh air and exercise is truly cruel. If you really want to help children, you should let them sit on their behinds all day being idle and growing fat and unfit.

Same with reading.Some children just don't enjoy books. How cruel to make them learn to read.


There's a big difference between forcing a kid to read and learn about the world and forcing a kid to strip in front of his classmates, subjecting him to merciless teasing.

Not to mention I think there are other ways to get exercise other than competitive sports play; some people don't have very aggressive or competitive personalities and you shouldn't punish them for it.



The PE teacher probably forced Billy to take a shower because he did not bathe regularly at home.
Billy also fell right in the mud quite a few times out on the field, like when he dove for the ball, & fell off the goal post when he was climbing it.

I can't understand your crazy moon language.


Up until about 1980 it was mandatory to shower after PE in Junior High or High School in the USA. They were gang showers and you basically couldn't hide anything. After a while it didn't bother you.
They said it was for sanitary reasons, but it was mainly because a sweating teenager after PE you don't want to sit next to in English Class.
In the 50s swimming at the YMCA was always in the nude. Also for 'sanitary' reasons and after a while that didn't bother you either. The current abhorrence of anything suggesting nudity or sexuality about kids is the aberration IMHO.


After about 1980 showers became optional, because they cut the towel budget to zero and if they wouldn't supply towels they couldn't require showers. By 1984 the disused showers were shut off or just removed and 8th graders have grossed out their classmates ever since. Sanitary indeed.
Also see Billy Elliott for a similar period piece about a 'different' kid during the coal strikes.


<Up until about 1980 it was mandatory to shower after PE in Junior High or High School in the USA. They were gang showers and you basically couldn't hide anything.>

Ah yes....I remember those forced showers. For kids who were shy, it caused them a lot of embarrassment.


"For kids who were shy, it caused them a lot of embarrassment"

Tell me about it. I can't imagine how stupid school administrators were back then. Did they not realize how emotionally devastating that could be to a shy or self conscious child? I wonder why it took them until the 1980s to finally get the idea.


I wonder why it took them until the 1980s to finally get the idea.

I draw your attention to the title of this thread.........

"The hour is come but not the man"



Miranda said that everything begins and ends at exactly the right time and place...


Even in the early '90s I was forced to shower after gym class. Hated it! Especially because I rarely ever even broke a sweat during class, so I didn't even need a shower. Also I got a wart on the bottom of my foot from those nasty communal showers.


pipe down how now brown cow

the scene where they are playing football is the best in the film
'we'll be spurs sir so theres no clash of colours'
'fat bastard - he wants milking him!'

love is a losing game...


Ah, the dastardly work of Fiendish One of Pipe Down, Watson. I knew it!



As well as having about half a brain cell.

"The hour is come but not the man"


"ALL PE teachers are a bit like that from what I can remember from school." yup, except the ones that didnt sit in the changing rooms every week with their hands down their trousers. was the only time i saw that greek *beep* smiling. sick bastard. if i recognised him in the street now he'd get a chinnin.


Remember the P.E. teacher asked two schoolmates to make sure he showered while he held the hot water on OFF. If he was such a pedo- he would be watching and have the others on the switch.

So Dumb. This was totally non sexual and find it creepy to even think about it.
As said above he was bullying him! And a rules freak! Possibly a bit of a sadist like most p.e coaches.
