MovieChat Forums > The Brady Bunch (1969) Discussion > Let's catalog Marcia's sins

Let's catalog Marcia's sins

Marcia is the true villain of The Brady Bunch, though she tries to hide her dastardly deeds under a veneer of girl-next-door toothy good looks. Let's count the ways Marcia has sinned against the Brady universe:

1. Told Jan, "If boys don't find you attractive, don't blame me."
2. Dumped nerdy-but-nice Charlie for suave-but-shallow Doug Simpson (the "Big Man on Campus")

I'm sure there are dozens of insults targeted to Jan alone that we can come up with.


Her whole attitude in the Romeo and Juliet episode. She's disrespectful to family members, classmates, and teachers in that one.

Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin


Screaming, "I hate you, Alan Anthony! I hate EVERYBODY!!!!" and storming up the stairs when Alan couldn't take her to the dance because he and his family were going out of town.


Accusing Alice of sabotaging her presidential campaign in "Vote for Brady".


These are all the ones I can come up with from "Vote for Brady" (Marcia acted so deplorable in this ep)

The horribly disrespectful and mean-spirited way she talked down to poor Alice and how she maliciously accused her of conspiring to sabotage her.

The 2 temper tantrums she had with the crying and the screaming and the theatrics.

The arrogant way she said to Mrs. Brady "there are no secrets Mom" when her mother was just trying to help her with her campaign.

Violently slamming the phone down when she was told to stop using it.

Not apologizing to kind-hearted Alice after the horrible lies she accused her of even though Alice told her she didn't have to, it was the very least Marcia should have done.

Eavesdropping on Greg's private campaign meeting.


Chewing out a 6-year-old (Cindy) for giving away her diary to a book drive. Hey Marcia, maybe don't hide it in an area where the whole family has access to it? Particularly next to a pile of old books.


And on top of that, pulling the "I'm not talking to you" crap with six-year-old Cindy. I thought Mike really should have chewed her out over that.


Creaming her ex at the ice cream parlor.

Giving Clark Tyson a boner

Using Warren to get back at Greg (I think it was justified, but still not nice to Warren)

Signing up for every club in high school


Creaming her ex at the ice cream parlor.

ANNNNNNND... being surprised/pissed off when her boss kept Jan instead!

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Walking out on her job in the middle of a shift when the ice cream parlor was busy. What was the moral of that episode? Who cares about working, responsibility, time management, budgeting money, developing work skills or a future job reference.
You don't have to worry about working for a living if you are pretty?


When did she do that?


Marcia Gets Creamed - Season 5, Episode 7. A title that would never make it past censors today!


You ain't kidding, unless a person thought cream pie in the face, aka old fashioned pies. I recall her sitting down upset, when Jan was picked, but not walking out.


Trying to catch a football with her nose.


Laughing as her fellow Boosters got splattered by Peter's volcano.

R.I.P. Creasy Silo, eminent theatre critic 


I can forgive the football one it wasn't her fault. She was told to call the boys in for dinner.

And I am glad she laughed at the boosters. They were SUCH snobs. And it was pretty funny.


I was just thinking of this topic, as I have a Marcia wallpaper and I WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT MY BELOVED OLDEST BRADY GIRL TO THE DEATH WITH MY BELL BOTTOMS LOL!!!!!

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
Profile pic: Courtney Thorne-Smith.


That whole business with Jerry Rogers of Fairview High School. She allowed herself to be seduced by the enemy, who stole Westdale High School's playbook.


Stalking Davy Jones. You just know that if Jan had pulled a stunt like that, she
would have been taken away by the police. But Davy just thought it was cute.

So hopelessly vain that it never occurred to her to remove her charm bracelet
during the infamous house of cards contest.

Fighting over the attic with Greg when he was first in line to use it; she would
have it for herself the following year when he went away to college anyway.

Signing up her mother for the talent show without asking her.

Uninviting her best friend to her slumber party (which she almost didn't get until she had her tantrum: "I don't want a party...or ANYTHING! EVER! FROM YOU!")
Maybe there'd been a misunderstanding, but she could have just asked her friend about it instead of dumping the poor girl with such slitted-eyed venom.

Commandeering the entire top of the dresser and the wall above it for her silly
trophies and ribbons.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



Taking over the whole Frontier Scouts camping trip just to prove a point.
