Darker than I first thought...
You know, if you look at Fanny's manipulations and handling of Nick through an Oprah/Dr. Phil prism, her behavior is pretty dark. You get the feeling that the mother may have had similar problems with Fanny's father and now the daughter is - in a different way - repeating the same mistakes. Fanny's mother tells her what to do: talk to him and the two of them figure out what Nick should do together.
But Fanny can't get real or keep it real with her man. She's "Sadie" at last and nothing is going to rock that boat. That's why "Don't Rain on My Parade" always blows me away. I always thought it was a positive thing; then as I lived and loved a little, I realized that the song could be about how a little marginalized girl is going to be in the winner's circle....no matter what.
But once there (marital bliss), how do you stay? Fanny hasn't a clue because she hasn't done the work. She has the illusion. And then she doesn't even have that.
"Hot sun, cool breeze, white horse on the sea, and a big shot of vitamin B in me!"share