Favorite Line(s)

I remember one line that has stayed with me for over 40 years.

Taylor to Burton: "But you were only an ASSOCIATE Professor."

Taylor said it in a real bitchy way. Cool.


George:Martha rubbing alcohol for you?
Martha:sure! Never mix never worry!


"Mama's always coming at me!" - I thought it was very embarrassing.

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna


"So are you"- George to Martha, after she says he's going bald.


When Burton says, "bedroom? hee hee hee" and when he's telling George Segal about their son being a bean bag and gets in his face & yells "BEAN BAG!!!"

Burton deserved the Oscar every bit as much as Taylor, maybe more so!!!

I'm sorry if the truth offends you - Rhett Butler
