this movie sucked
Nothing happens. Plus, how was the donkey a saint? All it did was act like a donkey.
shareNothing happens. Plus, how was the donkey a saint? All it did was act like a donkey.
shareI'd have phrased it a bit better, but I agree. For me, the question is whether it's a good story or not. Au Hasard Balthazar wasn't. It can have all the beauty in the world, the donkey can be something really symbolic, or a saint, it can be touching and moving, but I notice none of that if the storyline can't carry it through. I don't like movies with violence, explosions and nothing else, but nor do I like ones that rely on externalities to cover for a lack of plot, which this one did. When you come right down to it, this was little more than a dull dramatic movie with some scenes of a donkey thrown in.
sharei think it is far too easy to get behind the bandwagon and say that this film is sublime and that Bresson is a master. Also it is unfair to piously denounce anyone who doesn't like it as a slave to 'Hollywood trash'. It may be my failing or the film's, but i cannot see the motivation behind this rejection of any form of theatricality or sense of realism. What is he trying to achieve by making the plot incoherent and making actors deliver their lines in that horribly vacuous manner? It all adds up to a thoroughly confusing and un-enjoyable experience.
shareI didn't like it. It was incredibly boring. Yes, I got it, and it was a great moral lesson etc... but I fell asleep three times, meaning I had to re-watch from where I left off over a couple of days. It wasn't for me, as it wasn't for the OP and thousands of others too. I hope everyone who praises this movie (and metacritic) can forgive me.
~ I'm a farmer, who's ever heard of a fatalistic farmer? ~
i wouldnt ever say that a bresson film sucked....but i will admit i did not like the film that much and ive seen some other works by bresson and i havnt been that into them very much.
shareThe "acting" was absolutely terrible--apart from the donkey, that is. It was so wooden as to be almost unbelievable.
Excuse me, but why is somebody like YOU on THIS board? Did you get lost while searching for donkey porn?
"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'
Of course it sucks because you American people are used to explosions, muscular heroes, "hasta-la-vista-baby"'s and so son.
shareAll you people who think this movie suckS: I Would love to see this from your point of view but fortunately for me my head won't fit up my ass!!! Go watch some trash like Saw 13 or Fast and Furious 12. Something that won't make you think.
shareSaw 13! I must have been drunk for far too long! Fast and Furious does make me think. It makes me think I should have gone out to a bar and drank some beer instead of lobotomizing myself through watching drivel.
shareThings happened. And you suck, by the way.
Please remember that this film is for those of us who wish to understand how it is we live in the same world and share the same faculties as those who see nothing in a film like this. FYI film is not only entertainment, and being bored by art is your right, but you are like someone who gets on the wrong bus then says 'Stupid bus'. Your confidence in your right to your opinion and your voicing it anonymously makes you cowardly bores, lint in the pocket of life, not even bad which at least has narrative value. I'm sure Bresson would have us forgive you, but we are not as advanced and so I will just add to the other voices - Go watch Tom and Jerry and leave the adults to discuss this kind of film.
sharewhy is that when someone doesn't like a movie they have to say it sucked? why not say "i didn't understand it" or "I'm not used to films like this because i haven't seen many like it, therefore it was difficult for me to follow". those are totally honest, acceptable reactions that anybody can respect. but no, it's always "this movie sucked", "it was boring" etc etc..
when the most respected minds in film criticism and appreciation nearly universally declare something a masterwork do you ever stop to think you might be missing something? or is your opinion your opinion no matter what and it ain't changin' for nuthin' or nobody? i think i know the answer to that question...