How can ANYONE like this crap?
Seriously, this show is such a insult to Batman and his character.
I don't care if it falls in line with the comics of the 60's. Even those comics weren't as campy as this junk.
I liked it as a kid during reruns in the 80's on CBC, but that was before I really started reading the character and what he is about.
I have gone back and read the older comics of the 40's and 50's and they are nothing like this.
I just can't stand this show, it insults Batman so much. Hell the first episode Hi Diddle Riddle, you see Batman doing a stupid dance. Batman would NEVER DO STUPID DANCES. NEVER, just never.
We are talking about a character who dresses as a Bat for god sakes, he does nothing but brood over the death of his parents, and you want me to think he is campy. Hell No.
The Nolan and Burton films did Batman right. The comics of the 80's and then so have done Batman right.
This show should be forgotten.
Just like the Spiderman TV series has been forgotten. Just horrible.