Opening Scene With Largo
Just a observation that’s been on my mind every time I see this flick, nothing profound mind you but you guys may have wondered about this as well. When we first see Largo drive up to the secret SEPCTRE headquarters in his first scene at the beginning & then the Gendarme tells him ‘Hey! No parking here!” & then let’s him once he sees it’s Largo.
Well you see several cars pass back & forth on the street & when Largo goes to cross there’s a car coming straight down the street right at him but yet he crosses its path & walks right in front of it like it’s no big thing. Damn! It must’ve just barely missed him. The Gendarme should’ve saiid “Hey! Look both ways before crossing the street!”
Didn’t look like the driver cared as he wasn’t stopping & Largo just kept on walking oblivious to the car. Wonder if that scene was meant to infer something. But every time I see it I sort of wince. Would love to know if any of you noticed & wondered about this part too. I’d feel so much better knowing I’m not the only one!