worst remake in the history of movies
I recently viewed the remake of Phoenix starring Dennis Quade as the Pilot and it was even more dissapointing than the remake of Vanishing Point.
I never put much credence in remakes and I want my rental money back!!
This was an insult to the original and also an insult to viewer intelligence.
There was never a woman in the original but, of course, in todays market we need a sexy love interest because we are too hormonal to watch a movie about survival of a group of oil workers without having the prospect of getnit on!!!!
Then there was the token African American, geeez.
....and what about the plane being covered in sand after a storm..Purists should burn all copies and forget it ever happened.
The propeller scene is the heart of the original film, the way Stewart used a cartridge to clear the cylinders, the tension....totally lost in this rubbish
Does anybody agree,,,,Tez