I asked myself the same question, and here's the best I could come up with in the way of epic stories of engineering and human resourcefulness- Dambusters, Das Boot, Bridge on the River Kwai, Road Warrior (seriously!)
In all these stories characters are forced into desperate situations in which they must improvise with the scant materials they have to create something original and brilliant. In all these scenarios, the solution is ingenious, but at the same time has a childlike simplicity to it, just like Dorfmann's basic premise of rearranging the limbs of the aircraft, like a giant lego model. In all this scenarios the solution is also visually spectacular, which is why the stories lend themselves so well to film treatment.
However, Flight of the Phoenix is and always will be the greatest story of this kind for me. I've just watched it for the first time in about 15 years, and it had me in tears.