Buck Henry was a JERK
Finally broke down and bought the box set of the entire series, which includes several
commentaries and an interview with creator Buck Henry.
He was a brilliant man, but he truly comes off as an ASS when talking about the last three
years when he no longer was involved with the show. He's very dismissive of other people's
ideas, trashes the marriage of Max and 99, stating he would've never allowed the two
characters to marry (I disagree big time, as it opened up the show to new themes and ideas).
In his commentary for "Love and Twitches", which he does with Feldon, he comes across
very dismissive once more, stating at one point, "Where are we now - I'm lost." He then
states he was too "cynical" to believe the characters could wed. Feldon is classy (as always),
laughing at certain moments, while Henry just pours out more sour grapes.
His solo interview reveals him as a very arrogant man. Too bad, as this box set is otherwise