Possible blooper

On the season one opening credits with Pat Priest, as Herman is saying goodbye to Lily look at the top right of the screen. You can see Butch Patrick's legs as he waits for his cue to come down the stairs.


Yep - I noticed that as well a few nights ago as I've been making my way through the DVDs.


I too have just noticed something.

Right at the beginning of "Autumn Croakus" when Lily is standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Herman to emerge from beneath them, if you look straight down the hallway you distinctly see someone in a light (white?) shirt walk past the open doorway.

I have gone back and repeatedly looked at that scene just to be sure my eyes aren't playing tricks on me.
But every replay it's there, so I'm not hallucinating.


You're not seeing things. It's probably the best-known and most flagrant of all Munsters goofs.


In the second season opening credits the light inside is there sometimes and others not. I smile every time I see it.

My best,




Never noticed that before! Just checked it out on DVD.

And he rubbed the pot roast all over his chest, excitable boy, they all said



Not that this is necessarily a blooper, but why in some season two episode, in the opening, there's a crashing sound when Herman crashes through the front door, but other times there's no sound



I have another goof in the first episodes why does it say"Starring Fred Gwynne as Herman, when he is the last to go??? And usually starring means that he should come first, not last.


>>>I have another goof in the first episodes why does it say"Starring Fred Gwynne as Herman, when he is the last to go??? And usually starring means that he should come first, not last.

like Jonathan Harris as Dr. Smith on "Lost in Space and Carolyn Jones as Morticia in "Halloween with The New Addams Family"?


Watched the episode "Low-Cal Munster" today and noticed a goof. When Herman is being examined by Dr Dudley the nurse knocks on the door returning his glasses. She only has one line, something along the lines of "Here are you glasses Doctor" and she almost messes it up totally. She then bursts out laughing and looks into the camera as if waiting for the Director to shout "Cut", and Paul Lynde almost cracks up too. They obviously decided to go with it despite the nurse breaking character. It's a fun scene if you've never noticed it before.


Yup, this is the only show I can think of where this is a plot hole in the opening credits
