MovieChat Forums > The Munsters (1964) Discussion > Racial slur from Grandpa!

Racial slur from Grandpa!

In the episode where Herman took a course to be a private eye, there was a line that shocked the Hell out of me when I heard it recently: Grandpa is reading the address of the "school" and learns that it's in Mexico. Grandpa then looks at Herman and says "My son-in-law, the wetback detective." No way would that get on the air today!

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Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


I think you're right.

"I'm a mean man when I get riled."


I always loved that episode. By the way city was Tijuana.


I guess you better not watch any reruns of All in the Family or Sanford and Son. The reason jokes like that don't hit the air nowadays are that people are too uptight and can't laugh at themselves.



Hey, me too! Unless it's about polygamy, I'm always laughing at those jokes. Of course the writers didn't mean Grandpa to be racist. It was just common language. When my dad was a kid in the 60s, they called AFrican-American *beep* and it was totally normal.


That's nothing, my whole family STILL refers to white people as "cracker", "honky", or "redneck". Simply hilarious. Oh, I forgot my favorite, "Blue-eyed devil"! LOL!!!

"Sir, that cat is LEAVING."


It's probably been edited out nowadays, but I distinctly recall Jackie Gleason as Ralph Kramden saying "Let's go eat ch ink" in reference to going out to a Chinese restaurant. This was New York slang back in the 50's (probably even later). Most people wouldn't have even noticed it back then, but today everyone's Offend-O-Meter is set to maximum sensitivity...don't misconstrue that statement as my condoning racism, but some people really need to way could Blazing Saddles be made today.

PS I had to edit this message to display the bad word as this site has a filter that kept changing it to *beep* Grow up IMDB


Yeah, Political Correctness and over-sensitivity has ruined Television. And America.
Soon, any reruns of all old programs will be edited out for anything that offends anyone. That pretty much will make it all boring and dull.

That's why older programs are best. They were clean, but are offensive to today's PC crowd. Soon they will take the name "Lumpy" out of "Leave it to Beaver" because it offends fat people.

Also, they will probably cut out stuff in DVD's next.

This is part of the reason I don't watch much TV anymore. Other reasons are:

Too many commercials
Too much censoring and editing
They took off most of my favorite shows.


In my opinion, for a racial slur to BE a slur it has to contain an offensive element - like that as a nation or race they're lazy, mean, sex maniacs, terrorists or whatever. Some inoffensive racial nicknames have been thrown out with the politically correct bathwater - Paddy, Mick, Taff, Polack...and Wetback. The history of Mexican immigration is actually quite poignant, and I don't regard Wetback as offensive, but I do understand that it has now been deemed unacceptable.

My body makes no moan
But sings on:
All things remain in God.


Yeah, Political Correctness and over-sensitivity has ruined Television. And America.
Soon, any reruns of all old programs will be edited out for anything that offends anyone.

It's already started. Can't remember any examples offhand, but do remember it's already started. Older tv shows being rerun on tv now have things edited out which offend the pc liberal wackos.

Also, they will probably cut out stuff in DVD's next

It's already started. Disney edited and censored cartoons made while Walt was alive when they released them on dvd. For instance,

On the dvd, the cartoon "Pecos Bill" has the cigarette or cigar digitally erased because smoking cigarettes offends the pc liberal wackos.

yet these same wackos are perfectly fine with and encourage smoking drugss like marijuana which ruins your brain and makes you as wacko and brain-damaged as they are.

Also, the entire Hatfield and McCoy segment of Make Mine Music has been edited out completely becaue it contains pictures of guns and guns offend the pc liberal wackos.

Even though the U.S. Constitution guarantees the rights to keep and bear arms to all U.S. citizens

Off course, the U.S. Constitution also offends the pc liberal wackos.


<<<Soon, any reruns of all old programs will be edited out for anything that offends anyone. That pretty much will make it all boring and dull.

yeah. I made the mistake of buying the complete Lone Ranger anniversart edition containing the "complete" seasons 1 and 2,

On every single episode they edited out the part that says "with his faithful Indian companion"

The dvds are NOT "complete" despite the statement on the dvds theirselves.



People are so easily offended now days....We need to loosen up, and be able to laugh at things like that...CUZ IT WAS FUNNY......

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


Yep people have lost their sense of humor, and become whinny little wusses...Im blonde but love blonde jokes...I miss racial humor..Oh BTW, its ok for anyone to do it now days except a white person..

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


The term was probably not considered racist at the time. I seem to remember reading that in 1954 there was an immigration plan aimed at Mexican immigrants, and it was actually called "Operation Wetback." It was designed to capture illegal immigrants using the Gulf of Mexico to gain entry into the US.

So, if the US Government in the 50s and 60s sanctioned that term as the “official” name, TV writers would not have considered it a racist slur like we would (and should) nowadays.

- Frank
"We are one big happy fleet!" - KN Singh


"All in the Family" and "Sanford & Son" are two of my favorite shows (especially "AITF"). I would expect to hear racial slurs on those shows because of the lead characters prejudices. Hearing such a term on a show like "The Munsters" was a shock because of the era in which the show aired, plus the Munsters weren't exactly candidates for KKK membership. Hearing a word like that come out of Grandpa's mouth was a true shock, even by today's standards. It would be like seeing a black person on a show like "The Andy Griffith Show" and hearing Floyd or Gomer call them a "coon" or "spook".

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s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


Don't forget that the episode where Herman works for 'Mr Tom Fong' the Asian Laundromat owner--that not only was a stereotype but Jewish American comedian Benny Rubin played the role.



Rubin was famous for playing mostly German characters in Three Stooges shorts.

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s to the right.
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Benny Rubin gifted at playing various ethnic roles--much the same as the late great Vito Scotti.



Scotti did the stereotypical Oriental character when he played a Japanese soldier in an episode of "Gilligan's Island".

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s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


Hi again Tresix,
Yeah, and while I am not Asian myself, it had/has to agitate them to see Occidentials play stereotypical Orientals going all the way back to the Sidney Toler/Warner Oland Charlie Chan movies.
A look thru the imdb info will show that Rubin and Scotti have played many ethnic characters against-type in their distinguished careers.



I myself was rather shocked when I opened up an early 1980s National Geographic magazine and saw a subheading entitled "Wetbacks" in a story about San Antonio. As the term referred to illegal immigrants from across the Rio Grande, I think the word was used commonly and not only by Anglos and not necessarily as a slur (or not perceived widely as such then).


In another episode of The Munsters "Herman The Rookie". The coach Leo Durocher said the Munster family looks like a bunch of wetbacks from the Petrified Forest.




"Wetback" is a derogatory term towards Mexicans (for those who swam across the Rio Grande River to get into the U.S.). Understand the racism (or nationalism) now?

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s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


I just finished watching this episode. I did notice that. I was also surprised (and amused) in the same episode when Herman put on the very stereotypical Asian disguise from his Official Disguise Kit and used the accent with the couple sitting on the park bench. I don't think it's anything to be offended over, but it does serve as a contrast to the sugar water sitcoms networks are producing today (with a few exceptions)


I'm thinking to an episode of "Will & Grace" where someone called a Mexican character "Tamale" and everyone got upset about it. The character wasn't supposed to be nice, so I would expect them to use a term like that.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


Every time I see a bunch of wetbacks sneaking over the wall or across the Rio Grande and then coming here, hoisting up their crappy wetback mexican flag and then half of my paycheck is stolen (the feds call it taxed) to provide all kinds of freebies for them, I call them a lot worse than 'wetbacks'. I have no use for them and despise them. What they are doing nowadays is an act of war and if this country had any kind of government whatsoever they would pull the troops from all of these spots where they're policing the world and have them here on the mexican border with orders to shoot to kill all illegal invaders. Unfortunately, as long as a Commiecrat or a RINO is squatting in the White House it'll take vigilante action to do anything about the illegal invasion of this country by wetbacks.


<<<Every time I see a bunch of wetbacks sneaking over the wall or across the Rio Grande and then coming here, hoisting up their crappy wetback mexican flag and then half of my paycheck is stolen (the feds call it taxed) to provide all kinds of freebies for them, I call them a lot worse than 'wetbacks'. I have no use for them and despise them. What they are doing nowadays is an act of war and if this country had any kind of government whatsoever they would pull the troops from all of these spots where they're policing the world and have them here on the mexican border with orders to shoot to kill all illegal invaders n-cinco-de-mayo-is-a-hate-crime ag-shirts-mexican-americans n-5983112.html

calif students suspended for wearing american flag on cinco de mayo[/url]

]U.S. federal court rules and upholds schools decision to suspend students for displaying American flags on cinco de mayo while allowing mexican students to display mexican flags at the same school in california: t-wear-american-flags-on-cinco-de-mayo/

and it isn't even a real mexican holiday: ism/

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -for-taking-down-mexican-flag/ houston students suspended for taking down mexican flag

------------------------------------------------------------------------- texas student suspended for taking down mexican fkag which was flying higher than the american flag

royse city public schools punish students for displaying American flags on their cars because it offends the mexicans at the school and in the city:;wap2

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,0,6151390.s tory


The public schools and universities in this country have gone completely insane. I graduated from high school in 1978 and from LSU in 1983, but with the way schools have become nothing more than left wing extremist indoctrination centers they'd probably kick me out if I were a student nowadays for rebelling against their political correctness, open borders globalist agenda.


The public schools and universities in this country have gone completely insane. I graduated from high school in 1978 and from LSU in 1983, but with the way schools have become nothing more than left wing extremist indoctrination centers they'd probably kick me out if I were a student nowadays for rebelling against their political correctness, open borders globalist agenda.

the thing that gest me id IF it was a place where you get a free pizza but only if ordered in English, then they would say it's racist against mexicans and the spanish.

yet they call the people who are against having to say it in spanish to get a free pizza "racists".
