Great New Year's Eps

If you need a BW fix, two fun entries for new year's eve are:

Once in a Vial. Season Four

Make Love, Not Hate. Season Six

"Love" is a remake of "Vial", but it doesn't matter. They are both superb offerings, the first with York, the latter with Sargent. I enjoy them both equally.


I seem to remember Once in a Vial as one I didn’t particularly like. I think we disagreed about it. But then I decided to give it another look. It was better than I remembered.

I do like the character actor Arch Johnson. And for once it was Endora who was a victim of her own witchcraft and not Darrin. So the episode gets points for originality.

Maybe I’ll give a viewing this evening.


It's the visiting couple I think are so funny ("she always gets this way when she's had a few too many").

Also some nice shots of the angel upstairs.


Oh that angel. I was just looking at it in an episode yesterday. You really loved that, didn’t you?

I really liked some of the paintings in the living room. I especially noticed the books on the shelves. But the shelves kept changing. Sometimes they were part of the brickwork and a few episodes later they would be wooden shelves.
