The Emperor has no clothes- inane piece of rubbish
This film reminds me of the story, "The Emperor has no Clothes". Everyone says it is amazing! fantastic! Art! Complicated! Deep! Groundbreaking Cinema!
However, as a movie lover I can say that the movie is an inane piece of rubbish. Ridiculous conversation, Terrible pacing, awful plot, preposterous music at the wrong times, crazy shots that go on and on for no reason, scenes that go on for no reason, actors that are there to pose, -shots of Bardots bare butt seems to be the raisson detre for the whole movie. The music makes me want to strangle someone. The dialogue in the apartment is ridiculous, and music starts to play in the middle for no reason, then stops, then starts then stops- for no reason. She wears a red towel for no reason. They talk absolute rubbish. there is no plot actually.
The emperor has no clothes. Bardot is beautiful. That's all.