MovieChat Forums > The Fugitive (1963) Discussion > Worst fight stand-ins on TV

Worst fight stand-ins on TV

Every time Kimble gets in a fight, the stunt men don't look a thing like either Kimble or the man he's fighting. Plus, they use the stunt men where it wouldn't seem to be necessary, like when Kimble is just reaching down to grab the other guy, with no punches or falls involved. (Maybe that was a union issue of some sort.) Anyway, I've never seen a TV series where the stand-ins were so poorly selected and oddly used.


Yes, that made me laugh.
We can see it in episodes such "Coralee","Everybody Gets hit in the Mouth Sometime", and in " Echo of a Nightmare" when is fighting with Arch Johnson.


Maybe they figured nobody would notice because TV picture quality wasn't as sharp back then.


Apparently you've never seen an episode of "The Avengers".


Star Trek was bad in that regard too. Of course they had several of those Kirk's "alter ego" episodes, where both Kirks are engaged in a fight. Which I suppose was hard to do with the technology of the era.


Space Seed end fight between Kirk and Khan is hilarious


If your tv was in good condition and you had good signal reception, picture quality in the 1960s (and 1950s, for that matter) was very good, plenty good enough to notice if the stunt double didn't look like the actor he was doubling.


In "The other side of the Mountain" when Kimble fights with Deputy Sheriff Bruce Dern.


I never even noticed the stunt men. What did you think of the series overall?


It's funny, as a kid watching these shows during the '70s, it didn't stand out like it does today. Oh, we knew when the stunt men took over back then, but since all of the shows had this problem, we just tended to ignore it for the most part. But the newer shows do such a far, far better job of masking the stunt doubles that the old shows really stick out like sore thumbs in comparison now.

No blah, blah, blah!


Mr. Jensen didn't want anyone there to look better than him.
