The remake is loads better!

I saw the 2004 version of the film about a month before the original and I was very dissapointed with the original.

The remake isn't great, I would give it about a 7. But at least it has some decent characters and a good pace.

The '62 version is just a mess and greatly inferior to the remake.

Does anyone dissagree?

You've gotta admit, the acting had to be a lot better in the remake.

This isn't supposed to be a bashing. I was just wondering if anyone agreed or not.


I was born in 1959, saw the original in 1979 by accident having never even heard of it. Absolutely loved it and have seen it at least a dozen times since. Read novel which original follows pretty closely. Saw remake out of curiosity. Remake was very different from the original and further even from the book. They were just taking advantage of the name recognition, just like the remake of Planet of the Apes or The Fugitive (both of which I hated). I didn't like the remake at all, although you'd have a tough time finding someone more biased.



<"The '62 version is just a mess and greatly inferior to the remake.

Does anyone dissagree?">

Of course I (and most fans of this truly classic film) disagree. The remake was intriguing and well made and I liked it, but it can't hold a candle to the original.

<"You've gotta admit, the acting had to be a lot better in the remake. >"

Nonesense! Streep herself would bow to Angela Lansbury-- one of the finest character actresses in the history of film!!

May I suggest that you not watch movies made before 1990.



62 version is not as tense as the new one. Its badly paced in that we see what happens to the soldiers at the beginning...but in the remake it shows us what apparently happened, and lets tension set in with Jeffrey Wrights wonderfully paranoid Melvin telling a different story. Overall the first is good but in terms of tension the new one is superior

Even the most primitive society has an inate respect for the insane


this is amazing, the new one is awful. why cant hollywood have anything NEW. all they seem to do is re-makes of the classics that come out as dogs. if they ever re-make Dr. Strangelove, im going to be so pi$$ed

are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?


i agree that hollywood is running out of originality, but i still think that some remakes are good (i enjoyed dotd 2004, Assault on p13 2005, Flight of the phoenix 2005 and manchurian candidate 2005) lets not forget as well some films that are considered classics are in fact remakes... the thing, scarface.

But ultimately i wish they could think of sukm new films.

Even the most primitive society has an inate respect for the insane


i have not seen the remake but i cannot imagine a film nearly as well done as this. (see Greil Marcus)

i dont think that anyone would try to remake dr. strangelove. kubrick, the cold war, the early 60s you cant remake that and have any resemblence of the same result

dont know if id call scarface an all out classic, or maybe id just not like to


The remake isn't bad, but lets not kid ourselves here, the '62 version is far superior to the remake.


IMO, Frankenheimer was one of the all time greatest directors, and The Manchurian Candidate proves it. The ending scence (after the assassinations) is breath taking, and despite Sinatra's acting flaws (which apparently some people see in this film) he puts so much more emmotion into Ben Marco than Denzel did in the remake. Being a fan of the novel, I gotta say that the original is vastly superior to the newer one. Manchurian Candidate needs Manchuria and Johnny Islen; otherwise its just an action movie.


There are good things in the remake of "Manchurian Candidate," but the original was more, well, original. John Frankenheimer creates a surreal vision of paranoia that works every time I've seen the film. The acting is superb. Sinatra gave one of his strongest performances, Harvey was incredible and Lansbury so wonderfully creepy. The suspense is strong. Audiences today, I hate to say, don't know what suspense is because they have been fed crap in thrillers and horror films that want the jolts quick and constant. I grew up watching suspenseful thrillers like the original classic. I am not yet 30, but I am grateful to know the difference between true suspense and pieces of the story being held back throughout the film. Frankenheimer knew how to pace the film (it was nominated for an editing Oscar).

Having said that, Denzel Washington is one of my favorite actors. He's great in most of his films. This is solid work from him, but not great. Sinatra delved deeper into the character's psyche than Washington seems to here. It's hard to beat Sinatra on his good days. "The Manchurian Candidate" was among his finest hours.


What a refreshing viewpoint from someone under 30. I first saw the original in 1979 at the age of 20 and fell in love with it.


There is something in movies I call, "believability". Many of the films made today are really lacking in believability which for me ruins the movie. I can stretch believability for many sci-fi movies but action scenes today which enable vehicles to defy gravity and the stress factors on the machines is just pitiful.

Also, the older folks (like me) remember the paranoia of the early cold war where your neighbors were building bomb shelters in their back yards and when we practiced A-bomb emergency measures in school. Laughable today but real back then. And watching TMC (1962) brought back those memories. The remake is less believable in these times.

My favorite:


Yes, I thought so too! Frankenheimer's direction was creative.
I'm not ready to compare anything though, I haven't seen the remake.

"Well, we put in wine because it's less noticeable. When it's in tea it has a distinct odor."


If all the hypocrites who scream bloody murder when a movie they like is remade would stop showing up at the theaters,renting and buying the dvds of the remakes maybe they'd stop with the remakes.

"if they ever re-make Dr. Strangelove, im going to be so pi$$ed"

But you'll be there opening weekend.

It's a dirty job,but I pay clean money for it.


if they ever re-make Dr. Strangelove, im going to be so pi$$ed

You won't be the only one. I can't imagine anyone being able to duplicate Peter Sellers' three roles. Even if they used 3 different actors it wouldn't be comparable. Then there is the unforgettable role of Sterling Hayden as General Jack Ripper...etc.

The remake of TMC is similar to most remakes...If you've seen the original the remake just doesn't make it. Only a few have tried and succeeded at remakes. The younger generation are too spoiled by CGI, color, changing times, and dialog usage.

But even viewed today, "TMC (1962)", is clearly the better movie IMO. Maybe because I first saw it in the theater many moons ago, then again when the DVD came out, and yesterday when I watched it again. Plus, I'm an old dude who likes many of the older films over the 'blockbusters' of today.

It would be interesting to see the ratings of the newer generation of folks of films from the last 10 years compared to old movie 'blockbusters' (and/or 'classics'). Not just remakes but all movies. Admittedly, the quality of the video is greater nowadays when seen on large screen LCD displays but the 'fuzziness' of some of the older films increases the aura of the overall movie.

My favorite:


Dr Strangelove was awful a remake couldn't be any worse.


totally agree about Lansbury


I agree with err 'fishpoo', the remake is alot better. The concept behind the original story is so intregueing and sinister if you will and the original was quite a weak effort. What really struck me was the screenplay, in only a few scenes was it 'passable', it was quite stupid and laughable on occasion. I mean the scene on the train when Marco is clearly acting very weird and is quickly picked up by Janet's character is crazy as well as the scene where she says she's dumped her husband to be.
Sinatra was actually pretty good and was an inspired choice.

Apart from the better angle of the script of the new one, from a conglomerate trying to take full control of the White House, and Streep's power house performance was Tak Fujimoto's camera work. He often works with Jonathan Demme and he makes scenes very confrontastional and nightmareish by useing the 'through the wall' technique of a character talking directly to the camera.
I wish there were more films like this.


The remake is okay, but compared to the original, it's canine feces.
Even Demme would tell you that.



The Re-Interpretation blows. Leave the original alone - no one would dare say lets make a 55 Chevy!!! Remakes generally blow anyhow!



If you read the novel, you will find that the 1962 film is a GREAT adaptation, right down to the dialogue where Marco meets 'Rosie'. Many times it depends on what version you see first which determines our choices.


"I mean the scene on the train when Marco is clearly acting very weird and is quickly picked up by Janet's character is crazy as well as the scene where she says she's dumped her husband to be."

It was a different world back in 1962 -- thank God.


I, like you, saw the remake before I saw this one but I bow to both of them. Having been made in 1962, this is a very good conspiracy thriller but Jonathan Demme exploited the modern technology that we now have in the 21st century.

Meryl Streep and Denzel Washington were both superb in their roles as was Angela Lansbury and Janet Leigh. I give this film great credit as I give the new one - making them both my favourite films.

'I like Meerkats, I've a tea towel with some on' - Eileen Derbyshire


The remake is not just some Holywood money maker. It was Frank Sinatra's dying wish that this film be remade and I think they lived up to it well.





how the hell did Streep get a Golden Globe nomination for the remake. That performance was absolute *beep*. Lansbury should have won the Oscar, (mumbling) ...stupid Patty Duke...

We were going to have children, but that would have severely drained my power crystals


Streeps good but she has absolutely nothing on Lansburys performance. Who knew such a nice woman could protray evil so well. The performance of her carrer.


You are out of your mind. My god, the 2004 version was trash, like most remakes. It had no heart, no soul, no passion, no intensity, no genuine 'feeling' and poor writing, poor direction, and a chickensh*t ending. You have unbelievably bad taste.
