if they ever re-make Dr. Strangelove, im going to be so pi$$ed
You won't be the only one. I can't imagine anyone being able to duplicate Peter Sellers' three roles. Even if they used 3 different actors it wouldn't be comparable. Then there is the unforgettable role of Sterling Hayden as General Jack Ripper...etc.
The remake of TMC is similar to most remakes...If you've seen the original the remake just doesn't make it. Only a few have tried and succeeded at remakes. The younger generation are too spoiled by CGI, color, changing times, and dialog usage.
But even viewed today, "TMC (1962)", is clearly the better movie IMO. Maybe because I first saw it in the theater many moons ago, then again when the DVD came out, and yesterday when I watched it again. Plus, I'm an old dude who likes many of the older films over the 'blockbusters' of today.
It would be interesting to see the ratings of the newer generation of folks of films from the last 10 years compared to old movie 'blockbusters' (and/or 'classics'). Not just remakes but all movies. Admittedly, the quality of the video is greater nowadays when seen on large screen LCD displays but the 'fuzziness' of some of the older films increases the aura of the overall movie.
My favorite: