Which Lolita Version do you prefer?
Kubricks or the 90s version?
shareBoth are good
shareBoth are good, but the '62 version has the edge, minus Sellers's out-of-control performance.
shareKubrick, but haven't seen the other. I can't stand Lurch, I mean Jeremy Irons though.
shareKubrick's version, although the remake is good too.
Neither version is a particularly good adaptation of the novel, which is too much of a literary construction -- unreliable narrator, puns, linguistic tricks, intertexuality, &c -- to ever really translate in a satisfying way to film.
Kubrick once said that anything that could be written could be filmed. His own version of Lolita proves him wrong. But, taken on their own terms, Kubrick's is the better film.
The best thing about the Jeremy Irons version is that he went on to do a reading for the audiobook... Which is outstanding.