terrible hats

Just watched this film again on dvd, having not seen it since it's cinema release in the 60's. I laughed mostly, not at any jokes, comic situations, innuendo etc., but at the absurd hats that Doris wore. There were not one, not two, but no fewer than 7 outrageously funny hats. The clothes that miss Day wore in the many rom/coms that she made in the fifties and sixties were often quite smart but the hats in this film sent me into uncontrollable giggling fits. Is there anyone out there who feels likewise, particularly any ladies?


The hats obviously were to cover the obvious poufy hairpiece she wore on the top of her head. Why did they even have them? Weird.

"It's as if God created the Devil...and gave him...JAWS"


Entertainment Weekly did a cover story in 1992 featuring their picks for the 100 funniest movies available on video at the time:
(I linked to the last page of the article in case anyone else is like me and hates it when they kill the suspense by starting with their #1 favorite.) They chose Lover Come Back as #52, one of the reasons being that "Doris wears the damnedest hats you've ever seen."


I came to imdb today specifically to find out if anyone could verify my theory that the terrible hats (which just kept getting worse and worse as the film went on) were a deliberate joke on somebody's part.
I can't imagine the cast and crew not realizing how terrible those hats all were - it was far too early in the 60s for them all to have been high.


I've always thought the hats were ridiculous. The beach hat she wore in the scene with Dr. Tyler/Jerry Webster kind of look like an orange safety cone spray-painted and tacked on with applique.

I'm not into fashion whatsoever, but the hats some models show off on the catwalk are outrageous and silly. Edgy to some people, trite to others. Not many people wear them in public for everyday use. Anyway, maybe the idea for Day's hats came from there. That's just a guess of mine.

Oh and I'm glad someone cleared up why the screen was fuzzy for close-ups on Day. It bugged me for years. Vaseline lens. That's something I had no idea about.

Perry: "You, stop multiplying!"


How about the hats worn at Prince William & Kate Middleton's wedding? There were some real doozies!


"Austerity" is a word said mainly by people with a full stomach.


What can one say? The '60s had HORRIBLE fashion, beginning to end (hippies especially). From the hair to the fake giant eyelashes to the hats to the dresses (empire-type straight frumpy dresses with childish decoration, the norm). I find it ridiculous how people call something derisively "so '70s" when in reality it's a '60s creation/monstrosity.


The hats and gloves were awful, but I think the clothes were great. That capelet-type jacket in the beginning that was open in the back was beautiful. I think she looked like a million bucks. A million bucks with a silly hat.


As a collector of vintage hats, I loved all of them that she wore. I would love any of them in my collection - especially the beach hat. It was the best. And the clothes were wonderful. The capelets - timeless. That beaded top she wore during the dinner in her apt was amazing. I would wear it now! I am sure that in 50 years, people will look back at the clothes we wear today and say, "What WERE they thinking?? ...especially if they watch those ridiculous "avant garde" outfits created on Project Runway.
Reality is Nothing - Perception is Everything!


My brother and I got the giggles during the film 'The Music Man' due to the ridiculous hats - this scene in particular. It looks like a giant shower cap lol.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-L5wywx8Cge4/Uh-27-xKMOI/AAAAAAAAAbs/tw1YAz4T XyU/s1600/Marian+and+Harold.png

And I do agree that the hats Doris Day wore in this film were funny - especially the beach scene hat.


Those hats looked more like baskets
