favorite scene

Do any of you have a favorite part of the movie? One of my favorite parts of the movie is when they are interrogating Mary....whoever played Mary was a brilliant little actress! Mary was soo devious! it was very obvious that she was lying through her teeth when she said that she "saw them through the keyhole". Afterwards, Martha said that she doesn't have a keyhole on her door....eventually Mary blamed Rosalie for telling the lie.

My other favorite part of the movie was when Aunt Lily returned from the theater. I loved Martha's reaction to seeing her....Shirley Mcclaine made that scene very believable. The way that she confronted her aunt was really dramatic.


The interrogation of Mary is definitely one of the highlights. I also love Martha's confession scene to Karen, the one that opens this post. MacLaine is absolutely heartbreaking in this scene and Hepburn beautifully underplays opposite her.


My favorite scenes were all the ones at the beginning when the recital was going on, especially when Mary sees her grandmother for the first time. She throws that cup and I laugh every time. The way she buries her head in her grandmother's neck and is so sweet to her, but at the same time looks back at Karen, hating her with everything she has. She is one evil child.


My favorite part is the scene where Joe and Karen are kissing on the front doorstep, after he has been to visit Mary. They look in two different directions, and then, kiss again. After bidding each other goodbye, ("Goodbye, Doctor." "Goodbye, Teacher."), he drives his car in a circle in front of the school, and takes off. You can see how deeply in love Joe and Karen are in this scene.
