Am i the only one...

who is convinced that Rod Taylor is/was the father of Robin Williams? He married a woman whose name was Peggy Williams, the same year Robin was born. Come on! The resemblance is uncanny and he even talks like Robin, if you listen close enough. How is this not a reality?


Totally agree. Am rewatching time machine now...and had to just search if anyone thought the same as me. His whole face and voice is the there any genetic proof?... if not, it's just possibly one of those weird circumstances I guess.
Kind of hoping it's true tho. Rod Taylor is Australian and I am Australian born. Lol
Would kind of be a proud history moment in a way...🤷‍♀️😊


Robin Williams was born in Chicago though.


Interestingly, in the fall of 1978, when "Mork & Mindy" premiered, there was a Time Magazine article about Robin Williams, and it stated that he was born in EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. I remember it very well. Hard to believe that a major news magazine would get such a basic fact wrong. It doesn't seem at all likely that Time pulled that place name out of thin air.

Perhaps his mother, Laurie McLaurin, had Scottish connections (family in Scotland).

Regarding Rod Taylor, many Australians also have Scottish connections---near relatives or ancestors who emigrated from that country.


You are not the only one. I just watched The Birds for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I thought “Mitch looks an awful lot like Robin Williams”. Currently, I am watching the first season of The Twilight Zone. Rod Taylor plays a disappearing astronaut in one episode. His facial features and expressions are so dead on those of Robin Williams, it is uncanny. Your insight about him marrying a woman named Williams is interesting. Perhaps it was a “World According to Garp” situation?
