He borrows as much as any other good director. Doesn't mean he's "never original in any way". Pulp Fiction is his own story, put together in his way. Sure he uses little things he's seen before all over the place, but the main story, message and way he presents it are completely original.
Don't believe me? Take all of the movies you can think of that you believe Tarantino copied from in making Pulp Fiction, then tell me which of those films presents a message about grace and shows more plainly two characters confronted by a miracle and given a second chance at life with one taking it and moving on while the other neglects it and is killed?
The main theme and message of the film (which is most important overall) is original and the way it is presented is original.
Anyway, I don't care who your favorite modern director is, they've all learned from past directors and they all use little things here and there from other movies. They all pay tribute to their heroes as well. Lars Von Trier dedicated his last film to Andrei Tarkovsky and anybody who knows both directors can see the influence of Tarkovsky plainly throughout the film. Doesn't make von Trier a plagiarist anymore then Tarantino using something from a Howard Hawks film, or Steven Spielberg using something from a Luchino Visconti film, or J.J. Abrams using something he got from a Stanley Kubrick film that he got from an Akira Kurosawa film that he got from a Shakespeare play, or Michael Bay using something he saw on a Budweiser commercial while he was sniffing magic markers.