
I found the depiction of the Congolese purposefully racist replete with colonialist perceptions. They were guided by "witch doctors' , they wear "savage" ornaments. Did anyone else find this troubling?




No, because that's the way are.


I certainly agree that the dialogue you quote was racist, but it leaves open the question of whether the racism is that of the filmmakers, or that of the characters that they are depicting. I think it's much more likely that it's a conscious depiction of racist characters. Were the Congolese themselves portrayed in a racist way? I didn't notice any of that, but maybe I just wasn't as sensitive to it as I should have been.

The only thing I see here that disturbs me in a way that transcends the fictional is the use of the term "witch doctor". I can see how it would be considered pejorative, but even today I'd be at a loss to come up with a non-pejorative word or term to replace it. Luckily, it's not a concept that frequently comes up in conversation, mine anyway.



"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


Back then that was how people talked about such things.

But what I really disliked was the nursing sisters calling all the African men "boys". If they had been very young guys, like teenagers, sure, but they weren't.

You've got me?! Who's got you?!


All of you with such tender caring twenty-first century consciences may not remember that shortly after this film was released the Congolese gave those arrogant patronising whites a considerable comeuppance. Even nuns were not immune. But that’s old history and we now live in blessedly enlightened times.


No. That's the way it was, and that was the colonial mindset -- with the best of intentions, they were bringing "enlightenment and progress" to the "benighted savages" while at the same time creating industry that would take advantage of natural resources that the native population were unable to develop. The Belgian monarchy basially took over the Congo in 1885, creating the Belgian Congo to take advantage of the natural resources. By 1948, the vast majority of education and health care was being taken care of religious orders, both Catholic and Protestant.

In 1960, the Congolese rioted, and were granted independence. Unfortunately, the populace was ill-prepared to govern a large country, which led to years of power struggles, alternately helped by the Soviets and the U.S. with an eye towards creating unrest or stability in both the Congo and the region. The area was known as Zaire for about 30 years, until the wars with Rwanda forced yet additional political challenges. It is now back to close to its original name, Republic of the Congo.


What racism? This is what it was like. It's called HISTORY.


I don't know if it was racist. But I think would have been a more interesting movie to have a scene with one of the Congolese talking about the "savage" ornament the nuns wore.


That would be playing the PC atheist's game.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


It is problematic by how they are portrayed as savages and the nuns as white saviors.
