MovieChat Forums > North by Northwest (1959) Discussion > Probably brilliant at the time, but does...

Probably brilliant at the time, but doesn't stand up to modern movies

Every Wednesday I head over to my dad's for dinner with him and my brothers. I bring over a movie for us to watch after dinner, and lately I've been going down the imdb top 250 list to try and find movies that none (or almost none) of us have seen. This is the 2nd "old movie" that I brought over, the first being The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Both disappointed all of us. Especially given the very high rating here on imdb.

My dad says that this was cutting edge back in the day, but laughingly admits to how dated it is compared to newer movies. Same with the Eastwood picture. Watching these is like watching old sports games from the 50's where the average football lineman was around 6'0" 250, or the average 40yd dash time was 5 sec, etc... the greatest of an era might not even make it to the pros of today. That's how I feel about these movies, NxNW in particular.

This felt like an early James Bond movie, or maybe a Bourne movie. Yet, everything about it is slower, less exciting, less entertaining. No exciting fights, minimal stunts, obvious set-pieces (we watched it on bluray, which after reading the forums here seems to magnify the obviousness of old sfx).

There's also just something about the way people talk and behave in old movies versus new. The dialogue is stilted and fake. Everyone is prim and proper, no swearing,'s the type of acting you would expect in a play rather than a window into real life.

Getting into specific scenes, the plane scene was laughable. It was like someone thought, "What would be the most difficult way to kill someone? Oh, I know, try to run him down with a prop plane, which would cause the plane to crash and kill everyone inside. Or wait, let's try to gun him down while flying at 200mph instead of doing a drive-by or waiting in the field with a rifle." And then it crashes into the tanker truck which isn't even moving at the time they crash into it? Wow.

I think this movie's rating is held up by nostalgic memories of people seeing it as kids and how impressive it was back then. If you put this movie in a room of 20-40yr olds who've never seen it or heard of it, it would fall off the top 250 like a rock. But hey, maybe that's true of all old movies, and the rating system is supposed to be relevant to the time the movie was made. If that's the case, and someone going down the list is simply looking for the best movies ever made, then most old movies should be skipped because people have just gotten better at making movies and have more tools available to them now. Much like a 1950's Cadillac, what was great then, wouldn't even sell today.

6/10 rating from me. Watch it to say you have, but wouldn't watch a 2nd time.

p.s. I really liked 12 angry men, which is probably one of the only old movies I thought was good. Maybe because it's all just in one room and psychology is the same today as it was then.


You have to appreciate films for a lot more than how they fit into today's crop of films - film appreciation is putting the film in context of the time - there is a progression to all art and to understanding - and the more we research, develop, invent, etc etc the result is a new level of the medium.

To poo-poo a film from 50 or 100 years ago measuring them vis-a-vis today's standard is disingenuous. Quite frankly doing so, IMHO, is intellectually lazy.

To appreciate "old" films (or for that matter anything of a non-conemporary time) requires that you do some research or acquire some understanding of those times so that the context of the technology, the mores, etc etc is added to this film. Quite frankly if you think that is too much work, then yes, I think you really need to pass on these films and stick with the current crop which will offer you some level of appreciation.

Older films however, esp silent stuff, is so illuminating on those times, what they were daring or not daring to do, where things were headed or had been - there is so much richness to it, that appreciation for that time and that place and what constituted films "a cet epoque". But, it does require effort on your part as a viewer - to sit there and expect to be spoon fed the film is not the way it used to be or hopefully will forever be. Effort and engagement on the part of the viewer is required.

I could say the same for literature too ....



Yes, it is amazing how they did films back at that time with no CGI--and you're right, the films are more fun to watch. . . and it is more stylish--something sadly lacking in today's movies . . .


Honestly, this is one of the last movies to make this argument about in my view. I'm actually most impressed by how easily I forget how old this movie is, it holds up better than 99% of films from its time period and earlier. Honestly even as a guy who loves movies old and new, it is sometimes hard to purely enjoy older movies as easily. This one I have no problem with. It's probably the greatest thriller I've ever seen and I'm still on the edge of my seat knowing what happens. Rear Window the same way. These movies are intense as hell.


It is amazing how well these films still stand up . . . as if watching for the first time . . . the thrill remains . . .



I could have written your review myself word for word. When watching movies like NbNW the dialog is so cheesy I can't possibly believe people really talked like that back then. But if they did, I'm really glad I wasn't alive.

Don't be discouraged by all the haters. I totally appreciated you sharing your opinion that matched what I just saw.


wow. really? what a drag it is to be you.


You must be kidding. North by Northwest is one of the greatest and most entertaining films ever made. Most modern films do not even come close.


I'm a bit of a movie buff, and I agree with TC somewhat. I love some oldies: Psycho and 12 Angry Men are among my favourite movies. I agree that they stand the test of time better than an action movie ever could. I also loved The Good the Bad and the Ugly though.

Some points TC made are undoubtedly correct - it's ridiculous and dumb to try to kill someone who is standing in a huge open space with a ******* aeroplane. Let's not deny this. It would be stupid now and it was stupid back then.

North by Northwest has some undeniable charm though. Cary Grant is an incredibly charismatic actor and this movie clearly inspired the Bond franchise. Dialogue is witty and charming. Some scenes are inspiring (including, like you said, the auction scene).

For these reasons, I'll give it a 7/10. Can't give it anymore -- that would require me enjoying it more.


Also, the plot isn't exactly water tight. Roger let himself be set up very easily. Why does he assume that Eve can get into contact with Kaplan so easily?



@ Brother-Mouzone

That is the stupidest and ignorant comment I have ever seen on, your parents must be SO proud!


you probably shouldn't encourage the morons. it's what they like, you know.


In one aspect, I think there are problems with the film today. Watching the Blu-ray, the use of matte paintings, rear projections, and backdrops are more noticeable. These being more exposed can take you out of the film.


@ Patmratm2

I have to agree, I watched this on a regular DVD and it was restored everything but even then some of the matte paintings look just that, a painting, which sort of took me out of the movie but not much. This movie is lucky that the story and acting is riveting enough that I shrug off the 50s special effects.


I had no real problems with the matte paintings looking too much like matte paintings. I understand films are simply fictional entertainment, so the bad special effects never take me out of a film (at least not by themselves).

It's like watching a play on stage. It's obvious that a stage play is just a stage play (I mean, I can see the friggin' stage!), but that never affects my enjoyment of it.
