Good At Heart

Do you agree with Anne that 'people are really good at heart' as she wrote in her diary? Why or why not?


Today I have grown taller from walking with the trees. -Karl Baker



No. She held in her heart what SHOULD be trust bit wasn't...and isn't. Even in the "enlightened" west we have killed hundreds of millions of the unborn and yet pretend to be more compassionate and humane than the Middle East. Humanity has a sick selfish nature that has only changed forms; we simply try to hide it better using lies and laws. Many today who embrace such ideals are no better than those who carried out this sad story.

"Treasury throws founder of the Democratic Party off $20 bill, replaces with gun-toting Republican"


Sadly, her life and death (being sent to Westerbork and Auschwitz, and dying of hunger and typhus in Bergen Belsen before her 16th birthday) hardly affirms the belief that people are really good at heart.


the nazi's weren't.
