Does the entire reputation of this show today hinge upon IT'S A GOOD LIFE?
Mention The Twilight Zone to almost anybody these days, and the first episode off everyone's lips is "It's A Good Life". One would almost think it's the only episode millions of people have ever seen.
Dissertations have no doubt been written to explain "It's A Good Life's" popularity. Which is quite tragic, as I feel the episode is not truly representative of the series. It's an adaptation of an amoral short-story on a show that was very often a public platform for moralizing. Similar to The Mary Tyler Moore Show's "Chuckles Bites The Dust", it's become the easiest episode to name-drop.
Taking into account that The Twilight Zone's competitors/knock-offs have nowhere near the same following, I have to ask:
If "It's A Good Life" had never been made, would the show be held in the same regard today?