MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > Most of the episodes were crap

Most of the episodes were crap

Yes. there were some classic episodes of the original TZ, but face it. Many were for 5 year olds, many were simply rehashed phoned in scripts, and especially the hour long ones were nothing but worthless filler.
That said there were about 30 classics. But that out of 152 episodes, not a good track record.



Absolutely agree!


What's wrong with The Lonely?



Perplexed that you put The Lonely on your list. Wonderful episode. Music by Bernard Herrmann is magical.



compared to most anthology shows, the original TZ is actually quite well made.
the concepts and execution are still enjoyable today.

that's gotta say something.
i remember watching ALL episodes in order and can't remember often saying "this was bad"


Well I'm not comparing it to others. I'm comparing the inferior episodes to the 30 classics and they don't live up to them. I stand by my opinion that about 30 were classics and the rest inferior, rehashed, full of filler, and childish. Because they don't live up to the standard you'd expect of the good ones.
But of course most other series are junk. And the reboots are below junk!


Good thing for you the Kardashians have a TV show more in tune with your taste.


Haha, good comment.


Personally I prefer the original Outer Limits because it leaned more toward pure science fiction rather than the weird fantasy ghost stories and such that often featured on the Twilight Zone.



I probably have six or ten episodes I always go back and re-watch, like "A Stop at Willoughby," "The Long Walk," "Elegy" to name a few, for reasons of nostalgia from watching them as a kid, but there are a lot I do skip over and have no need to watch again. Some of Rod Serling's writing to make a moral point can be preachy and not very subtle, so is kind of a turn off.



You're an idiot.




"many were simply rehashed " No, the concepts and stories were rehashed on later shows/movies.


I can find a plot hole in all 152 episodes


You can find a plot hole in anything.


Yes, I am one of the sharper posters on these boards



Love the Show and always check when its on if its an episode I haven't seen before


Not enough diversity in the show for my liking. Another example of a TV show with white privilege



Correct. America was even more racist back then. Like you, I am also white. I have found that once I apologized for my white privilege, you feel so much better about yourself. All of us white students did it in class and it was a good thing. Our professor was so proud of us



You must be a racist then. My college professor warned us about people like yourself



My college professor told me all about people like yourself. You are a racist. Period!


The Twilight Zone was one of the first TV shows to have an almost all black cast with the episode The Big Tall Wish. And considering Serling's life long battle against racism and intolerance I imagine he would have made more eps like Wish if not for an uncooperative network and sponsors.


Yup, America has always been a racist nation

