For those watching SyFy

I've been thinking this for a while... does anyone think the marathon promo is badly done? (I'm referring to the "travel tips" one.) They give two major spoilers in it!


Oh, absolutely! I cannot stand the marathon promo for this year’s marathon. I cannot stand the music too. It doesn’t invoke the other “worldliness”, “spookiness” that TZ has. The spoilers just sets me off so much.


I'm assuming they're trying to be cheeky in order to attract a new audience, likely younger viewers. Viewers that would look at TZ in a different way than us stalwarts who appreciate it differently.


The “binge tv” generation. I am a T.A. for a Film Class at my college and I screen episodes on of TZ on the day of finals when we do Science Fiction. There are students that wants everything to be spoiled for them and some complain that some of the films we screen are “too old” to watch.

However, when it comes to TZ, they get really into it. I usually select “Eye of the Beholder” and “Will The Real Martian Please Stand Up?” And those are usually hits.

When we do Alfred Hitchcock, I pick an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presets and I usually pick “One More Mile to Go.” And that’s a hit as well.


So- they want to see the scene with the “Eye in the forehead” and the “pig people” reveal first? They enjoy it more then?
