Piece on CBS Sunday Morning on TZ, then and now
Here it is: https://youtu.be/svj6Kit33F0
You'll be surprised to hear this from me, but thank you for posting this - had no idea it even aired.
I don't have any problem with the new show. If it works, then we have TWO great shows with the title. And even
if it's just an okay show, at least there's one anthology show on to give actors work. Thanks to reality TV, so many
actors lost opportunities. Jordan Peele is an astounding talent, and while I doubt he can come near Serling's
on-camera presence, he might produce some genuinely strong TV.
Thanks Gary.
I think this version has a much better chance of making it on its own because of Jordan Peele. The earlier remakes of TZ always suffered from the "one eye in the mirror" tendency to try to copy the original. Peele has a much stronger voice to take this into a different direction.
I just find it infuriating that CBS has put this on All- Access. How many streaming services are we supposed to purchase now?
I hadn't realized that these were going to be hour-long episodes:
The Twilight Zone - "The Comedian" Episode | CBS All Access - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19GO8-Rrn0g
Thanks for posting this! Wonder how many will be available on YouTube?
Both TZ and "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" suffer the same problem - that they play much better in a half-hour
format. Except it's NOT a problem, as the half-hour offerings of both kick ass!!
I think it would've been wiser to go with 25 minute scripts.