Best space monsters from the 1950s
When you think about it, "The Crawling Eye" aka "The Trollenberg Terror" probably had the best, most imaginative interplanetary creatures compared to other science fiction movies from the 1950s.
What else is there? The "Id" monster from "Forbidden Planet" was pretty cool, but we only saw it for about a minute and it was an obvious Disney animated creation.
There was "The Thing from Another World" played by James Arness. Basically it was a guy wearing makeup. There were the brain suckers from "Fiend without a Face," but they didn't come from space.
There were the creatures from "It Came From Outer Space" which were pretty cool looking, but they weren't very mobile. The creatures from "The Crawling Eye" seemed to get around much better.
There were the bug-eyed mutants from "Invaders From Mars" along with the Mu-Tants from "This Island Earth," but these were obviously people wearing costumes.
What I'm saying is the alien creatures from "The Crawling Eye" are the most imaginative space monsters dreamed up during the 1950s, and the special effects featured in this film, particularly considering the competition at the time, are far from cheesy. I mean, those eyeballs imbedded in those tentacled blobs looked real. Those eyeballs moved!