Climate Change Remark

In the scene where Ingrid and Cary are on their first real date - the ballet - and going down on the lift, there's an awkward silence in the presence of the operator, so to make polite conversation, Cary comments that he'd recently read an article which stated that the world's climate was changing. (It had been unseasonably muggy that day.) Ironic and prophetic.


The world's climate is always changing. That's what world's climates do.


Mmmmm, a supposed intelligent remark from fredlave... but exactly the kind of schmuch response I anticipated from conservative viewers, when I noted the remark made in the movie.


Oh! In your world climate doesn't change?


I'm Liberal/Left and I agree with fredlave.

Maybe you ought to try arguing science rather than political stereotypes.


There are about seven times as many polar bears as there were fifty years ago. They thrive. This is a fact. Sorry if it clashes with your Religion of Global Warming.


Do you have a source for that? It looks like a factoid that fell out of Sen. James Inhofe's butt.

Janet! Donkeys!



Oh my goodness and geez, Louise! A movie this old and someone has to bring up freaking climate change!! I have never found one single thread about ant movie or TV show on the Earth that some liberal doesn’t bring up some liberal crap. Do your minds think of nothing else and obsess about that crap while you’re watching a good OLD movie?? Climate change in people’s minds back then… L O L O L.

Please go watch a Charlie Chaplin movie and think about your liberal agenda then also. What a sad life you must live.


Yes, I noticed that too - and thought the same.



Very well, but tell that to a polar bear.


Climate change happens all the damn time.

Man-made global warming on the other hand is pure BUNK.
