MovieChat Forums > Det sjunde inseglet (1958) Discussion > English dubbed version vs. English subti...

English dubbed version vs. English subtitles.

I watched this and for some reason I was stuck with a version that had both the dubbed English and the subtitled English playing together. What was strange was the two almost never matched up. The dubbed language was often longer and wordier, and it went on to match more closely the lip movements of the actors. The subtitles were usually very, very brief. For instance, a person's lips might be moving for several seconds, but the subtitles only give five or six short words.

I've always preferred subtitles to dubbed language because the voices always seem so fake, and I prefer getting the original actor's interpretation of the lines to hear their emotion, not some voice over actor's take. But the dubbed language here was clearly more thorough than the subtitles. Does anyone know which is truer to the original movie? And are subtitles as poorly done with other movies?


For some time I lived as a UK soldier in Germany. Before we got any UK television. Anything English spoken was dubbed whcih while annoying its their country. All is okay until you see something like a an Indian then NATIVE AMERICAN now in full battle regalia etc meeting a white man or anyone putting the hand up palm forward and saying Wie geht es dir. HOW? I wonder if in Merkel land today subtitles are put up for all the incoming migrants requested by her? Considering the need to learn German was a must years ago I also wonder if it is today? Still seems odd watching westerns with an inability to translate the COWBOY language which uses a few words as possible in a conversation.


The general rule of thumb to the sub or dub question is to sub. You always sub bar a few exceptions.
