Patricia Neal...OMG

I was totally taken by surprise by this edgy, brilliant movie. I was also mesmerized by the beautiful and fabulous Patricia Neal. My God, she just smoked in this movie. The great performance by Andy Griffith may have overshadowed her performance, but I will never forget the subtlety and vulnerability of her own performance. I have only seen Patricia Neal once before in Hud and thought she deserved her well-earned Oscar. But what the hell was the Academy of Motion Pictures thinking of by not even nominating Neal or Griffith for their performances in this film?


Yep. Just finished watching the movie, and I had heard ahead of time mostly about Griffith's performance. He's spectacular, of course, but I was blown away by Neal.

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I've seen her, Patricia Neal, over the years, in "The Day The Earth Stood Still" and the Walton's "The Homecoming" ... Very competent looking actress and very well respected ... but I never understood why she had been considered this mind-blowing beauty.

Now that I've seen her in this 1957 film, I can understand. There are too many scenes in which the camera shot of her face shows her as gorgeous, alluring, etc.
A beautiful woman. That is one thing.

The other thing is her acting. I experienced the horror in this movie by identifying with her, and she is terrific! Quite impossible to not follow her character's agony as her creation morphs into a monster.


H. O. T.

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...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.


Another vote of praise for Patricia Neal. She did so many clever things in this film and yet never lost sight of the character. She really embodied that character in such a natural way.

As a rule when you mix genres in a movie you're in trouble. --William Goldman


One of the most beautiful smiles I've seen on the silver screen.
