I'm a little late to this party, but, what the heck? I'm trying to decide which Kubrick film to watch, this one, or "Paths of Glory", and figured I'd stop in online and read things. I've seen them all numerous times.
In answer to the OP, I think it's a valid question, as the films are comparable.
But for me, here's the deal: Huston is largely forgotten by modern audiences.
Kubrick? Not yet. Another interesting difference would be this: Hustons seminal works are largely based on his writing, particularly dialog writing. Kubricks forte was disturbing imagery, even in non disturbing concepts. That is not to say Kubrick couldn't write or Huston couldn't "frame". They were both excellent. They just had different strengths.
I would say one of Hustons more visual efforts would be "Reflections In A Golden Eye", a film that was too moody and possibly disturbing to the general public. Kubricks "The Killing" and "Lolita" were two of his more well written, but less technical (for him) films. And they generally lag behind when people speak of the seminal Kubrick works.
Different strengths. I like both films.