Which ending do you like better?

Book ending: Miles and Becky light a field of pods on fire; this causes the aliens to give up as they realize how desperate humans are at surviving. The Belicecs survived.

50s movie ending: Becky, Jack, and Theodora are duplicated, the aliens don't give up, Miles is in a nuthouse trying to explain what happened, and a some hope for the future.

70s movie ending: Jack, Elizabeth (Becky), and Matthew (Miles) are duplicated. Nancy (Theodora), still human, cross paths with an alien version of Matthew, and no hope for the future.

"You can't kill me, I'm the killer in Stab 3! I'm the killer!"- Jennifer Jolie


I haven't seen the 1978 version yet. I'll be getting it as a Christmas present so I will very soon. But I thought the ending of this movie would've been great if they gave Miles a shot to put him to sleep because of how out of control he was. Then he would've become one of them.


Matthew is not duplicated in the 1978 movie.
