MovieChat Forums > The Bad Seed (1956) Discussion > Nancy Kelly: Most Undeserved Oscar Nomin...

Nancy Kelly: Most Undeserved Oscar Nomination Ever

A deeply horrible performance.


I totally agree! Chew scenery much?


I think she played this role on the stage. Her gestures and delivery seem as if they have been performed a thousand times before.

She is way too old to be the mother of an eight-year-old, at least, she looks way too old to me. She is supposed to appear haggard and at least the casting director got that part right.

Her performance has always irritated me especially when put up against the performances of Henry Jones and Eileen Heckert who are both great. Now, after so many years have passed, her overwrought performance just adds to the high camp.


"I think she played this role on the stage. Her gestures and delivery seem as if they have been performed a thousand times before."

Only several hundred, actually (the original Broadway run was 334 performances - Kelly and McCormack apparently stayed for the duration, but Eileen Heckart found the play very depressing and left after only a few months). Yes, it is a highly 'theatrical' performance, as were Heckart's, Jones's, McCormack's and Varden's, but the fault may lie less with them than with director Mervyn LeRoy, who, as McCormack tells it, basically planted Hal Rossen's camera and told them to just do what they'd done on Broadway. However, performances on Broadway are 'pitched' to the balcony! My biggest disappointment has always been that the Christine and Rhoda of the film and play are simply not the Christine and Rhoda of the William March novel - Kelly, in particular, seems to be playing at a highly nervous, anxious level right from the start, for no reason at all.

"In my case, self-absorption is completely justified."


During the commentary with Patty Mcormick on the DVD I believe she said Nancy Kelly was actually younger than what she looked liked. She may have appeared much older because of the wardrobe and hair etc.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


Kelly, in particular, seems to be playing at a highly nervous, anxious level right from the start, for no reason at all.

I'm glad to know i wasn't the only one who noticed! This was my biggest problem with the film. She was overwrought and too dramatic ALL THE TIME! Every word she spoke and move she made was overly done. She even pushes the chair in and adjust the curtian dramatcally! Funny thing is every actor and acting coach will tell you the best tool you can use is to really "listen" to the other actors. Her delivery seems by rote, without true thought. I know many blame the director. and i agree to an extent. But there are others from the play and thier performances didn't suffer from this case of the over dramatics. I thought McCormack, Eileen Hackert and Henry Jones were outstanding. But, unfortunately, the mother is the key to the story.

I did think she was good in spots, and not horrible as the OP suggests. She was better in the later half of the film because i think the pace of the story began to finally catch up to her.

I finally saw it tonight for the first time, and it was very good. But it's not the book.


'her overwrought performance just adds to the high camp.'
heavy emotion = "camp"? (hate that word)
What did you expect her to after discovering your child is actually a murderer, weep silently?


I think she plays high-strung very well.


She doesn't look "too old" to be the mother of an eight year old. My God, 50 year old women are mothers to 8 year olds, and the actress looks way younger!



Way too old to be the girl's mother...

How old was she supposed to be (look)?

I am also surprised that people think she was over-doing it. As if any of us would understand what her character is going through. &


Can you do better?


who are you addressing?


The odd thing about her performance is that it was terrible throughout most of the movie, but really, really good in a few spots (such as when she loses it with Rhoda).
The problem was that she didn't appear to realize she was acting for a movie, not a stage play, although the fault probably lies more with the director than the actress.

"I'm issuing a restraining order. Religion must stay 500 yards away from science at all times."


It's not unusual for a stage actor/actress reprises a broadway role for film to perform as though they are on the stage. I agree the director is at fault for not getting her to reign in her histrionics!



Wasn't a bad performance but did not deserve an Oscar nomination. The only performances I felt deserved Oscar nominations were Eileen Hackert and Henry Jones performances.



Speaking of Oscar Nominations, why was Patty McCormick nominated for best supporting actress, when in fact her character was the protagonist of the film? Odd.


Because Patty was not as famous and a child. But being the protagonist of the film has nothing to do with which catagory you belong in.
Did you mean antoganist,btw? Kelly was the protagonist


I agree that the director should have toned down the histrionics, especially on Nancy Kelly, but Eileen Heckart, too. That business with Heckart pointing her arm up in the air got as tiresome as Kelly being overwrought.

Mervyn LeRoy should have known better.

Sam Tomaino


I think Nancy Kelly wasn't so bad but some of her dialogue was dumb which made her sound worse.


I liked her performance.


I think all the roles were performed brilliantly throughout. Kelly's performance was absolutely Oscar worthy.


Highly agree!




I am so glad someone sees it as I do. Kelly was just plain awful. Sorry. I know she did the play, but this is one time when I wish the movie producers would've gone with a bankable movie star. For goodness sakes, they passed over Julie Andrews for My Fair Lady!

Kelly just wasn't a good movie actress. She was too theatrical and melodramatic. If they wanted bad acting, why not Kim Novak? At least she would've been beautiful on screen. Someone mentioned Lana Turner. I could also have seen Deborah Kerr do this. Or why not Grace Kelly? Rhoda was still a very young child and her parents didn't have to be so old.

There were a host of actresses of that period who would've been compelling in that role. Vera Miles is another good choice.

I really think Kelly ruined a perfectly good movie.


'For goodness sakes, they passed over Julie Andrews for My Fair Lady!'
and we'll never hear the end of it. Plenty of people have been passed over for the film versions

'Kelly just wasn't a good movie actress. She was too theatrical and melodramatic'
Yes, but Patty said the director told them to portay as they did on Broadway; he could had asked her to tone it down. Actually, Patty was theatrical in this film also, but it happened to work because a child is larger than life.

How do you think a mother would react in these circumstances,play it understated? An actor isn't seeing it from an objective point of view when they are acting. The same could be said for Ellen Burstyn in the Exorcist.


I'm amazed at anyone thinking that the parents were "too old". Nancy Kelly was 35 when this movie was made; William Hopper was 41. They would have been 27 and 33 when Rhoda was born - hardly senior citizens, even for the 1950s.


especially when you consider that Mr/Ms Daigle were the ones who stood out as being old to have a young child(or appeared to be) The poster has something against Kelly, for some reason.


27 and 33 were considered older to become parents at the time.


Yes, I think she was overwrought as people have said. That does work to an extent, though, in the second half of the film, but even then there's an underlying wooden aspect to her performance. I think it was a mistake for the actors to be told to have gone big with their ACTING here, apart from Eileen Heckart who immediately found the truth of her character and was suitably over the top.

I'm surprised people are praising Henry Jones, who I thought was almost as bad as Kelly.


'Yes, I think she was overwrought as people have said'.
what is overwrought to people? Overacting? So, it's ok to be hysterical--but be "subtle" about it? That's only due to todays' Jessica Lange-be-understated-syndrome.

Or, do you mean it's realistic to be overwrought in real life, but not in film? Two different things going on here. Kelly was not over the top throughout the ending of the film; she was modulated.
If anything I view Patty as doing the most overacting.



I love Nancy Kelly's performance in this movie. Yes, she appeared to almost always be on the verge of hysteria, but I thought this was a brilliant stroke on her part. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I chalk her manner/nerves up to the fact that she, AS A MOTHER, can at some deeper level, sense that something is not quite right with her daughter and it's got her unsettled. The fact that there's nothing tangible whatsoever, that it's nothing more than a feeling, nothing that anybody would take seriously (especially that ding-a-ling landlady) would make anybody VERY NERVOUS.

Take the scene towards the beginning when she and Miss Fern are at the picnic, and Christine asks Miss Fern... "How does Rhoda get along with the other children? Is she popular?" Obviously, there is something on Christine's mind. I think Kelly's emotions were spot on, and the bit at the end when Leroy is on fire (that looks so strange typing it out), I found Nancy Kelly's portrayal of a complete meltdown to be soooooo powerful and riveting. ..."Can it be any worse than that?" And then, with the little bitch pounding on the piano... "and now she is driving me mad!" And SLAMS the side of her hand against the table! I actually get chills whenever I watch her do that. (There's no way that didn't hurt.) I've rarely seen another actor be so "in character" during a scene. She was absolutely overcome with emotion and deservedly so!

Personally, I would have given her the Oscar. One of my all-time favorite performances, though I know I am in the minority. I thought all of the cast was really good, but Kelly's performance was my favorite.


And SLAMS the side of her hand against the table! I actually get chills whenever I watch her do that. (There's no way that didn't hurt.)

I have a close friend who loves this movie as I do and he invented a verb for that very distinct hand-slamming she does: he calls it "bipping." You are right; when the actress bipped in character, that gesture hurt the actress. The character was completely numbed by her knowledge of what was and had been happening. Either way, it's something no other performer has ever done in the same way, to my knowledge.

Thank you, thank you--you're most kind. In fact you're every kind.


"Can you do better?"

Irrelevant. The original poster's skill or lack of skill at acting has nothing to do with whether Nancy Kelly's performance was good or bad.


Totally agree. I too love Nancy Kelly's performance. Over the top? Well, in a way, yes. But I attribute that to the director's wanting them to act this as though it were onstage.

As for Nancy Kelly's portrayal, I'm not sure that anyone in real life wouldn't be just as freaked out and emotional, coming to the realization that their little darling was a cold-blooded, sociopathic murderer.


I don't think it was awful, but definitely hammy which I attributed to her being a stage actress. I've seen where both stage and soap opera actresses have said that they've had to learn to tone it down for film b/c it's typically supposed to be more subtle.

The worst parts of her performance for me were when she slowed her speech and dragged her words. I'm trying to think of a specific line while I type, but whenever I watch the movie, I always think "why is she doing that?"

"YEEAAHH! One for three off the roof, b****! *chuckle* Whoo!!"-Bionic Barry


How many times would you guess during the course of the movie she says. Rhooddddddddaaa. lol. Oh god the way she says it.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.



She was terrible in this, very Judy Garland-drunk-off-her-ass terrible. I don't buy it that this is due to her being a stage actress because not every actor who reprised a role onscreen came off this weird. In fact, it's usually the opposite--an actor winds up being the best thing in a movie because he was the one who originated the role on stage. I don't think Nancy Kelly was "typical" of stage acting. I think she was just idiosyncratic, even for stage.

Especially strange are her body movements. Look at her arms. They're very stiff and unnatural. There's a scene where she's sitting with Claudia Fern on the couch, and her arms are in the weirdest position, like she's never sat on a couch before. In another scene when she answers the door, she has the other hand out. Why would a stage actress need to sit or hold their hands in such an unnatural position?
