If It Were Made Today
Remakes and sequels are ruining the current movie industry. There are all of these posts about how movies would be different if they were made today. Let's have some fun with this.
1) There would be no murder mystery setup at the beginning.
2) The movie wouldn't respect the audience enough to give them explanations
into the ant's behavior.
3) Clever clues like the stolen sugar and flying ants being mistaken for UFOs
would be left out.
4) The cool looking ants would be replaced by more realistic but less
entertaining (and less frightening) computer generated ants.
5) The female scientist would spend the entire movie in skin-tight leather
doing complicated martial arts moves on the monsters.
6) The guns would never run out of ammunition.
7) The entire storyline could be boiled down to 3 minutes, but you'd need at
least 90 minutes dedicated to fighting the ants.
8) The movie's pacing would be a lot faster but be telling much less of a story.