If you think Trolls destroyed IMDb, then life must be really disappointing for you.
Trolls have always been, and always will be...Period.
Before the internet, it was the sarcastic jerk at work, the class clown in school, or the bully in the playground. If you try to change your life because of them, you will always come up short. Like avoiding places you like to be because they are there...OR, shutting down IMDB. By simply ignoring these people, and a little moderation by the website, these trolls can be mitigated. Shutting down the boards was like taking a hammer to something that only needed a screwdriver.
Another (big) problem, is people no longer have any tolerance to opposing viewpoints. A heated discussion is exactly that...A discussion. But these days that's considered a bad thing, and must be shut down. Somebody's sensibilities might get challenged(hurt feelings).
Shutting down the boards was a terrible example of where were going.
And that other start-up forum, PreviouslyTV.org. They have a bullhorn symbol at the top of every page saying "No political discussion allowed!". I will have absolutely NOTHING to do with that site.