MovieChat Forums > Sabrina (1954) Discussion > Girls, who you would have chosen?

Girls, who you would have chosen?

Between Bogart's character or Holden's character, not the actor but character?

I would say all the same William's character ;) cuz he's more gentleman, more confident and more elegant. Was it William Holden???



Definitely Holden!!

Why you so nasty? ~ Rudebox


I'd go back to the Roman Holiday set and find Gregory Peck :D

When you're fighting the current, you forget how to live.


Linus, by miles. David was so inconsiderate & arrogant. Linus was a workaholic, yes, but he was a nice guy at heart. But damedelilas, I wouldn't mind going to find Gregory Peck either :)

Catriona x

"Fate shuffles the cards and we play" (Schopenhauer)


William Holden was ridiculously handsome so I probably would have picked his character, although Bogey's character would have been the much better choice.



Linus... He is dedicated to his commitments. It took him quite a long time to get over his broken heart, so he is not likely to break anyone's. He has all the qualities a gentleman should have, especially that aristocratic thing that can never revel what he is thinking. Beside I think there is something about workaholics can be trusted. And, let us face it, he is financially independent.


Even though Holden's character here was a hottie, I'm probably one of the few people who really LOVED Bogey's performance in this film. Maybe because it was so unlike anything he had ever done before but I just adored him in this movie.


Definitely Bogart's character. He truly cared for Sabrina from the very beginning & I thought the way he treated her was sweet, even though it was a bit standoffish at times. I'd slow dance with him in a private tennis court too! Ooh, & he saved her life too!

Holden's character seemed to take a liking to Sabrina after her "transformation". Even then it seemed that he wasn't 100% devoted to her.

So in the end, Sabrina made the right choice heehee.



From the very beginning, and right up till the end. David was fun, sure, but a bit excessive and superficial. Linus was more honest and plus, hello, it was Humphrey Bogart. There's something incredibly charming about him.

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 05
Does it have a wow finish?


when i was younger it was david, now that i have watched it again some years later, I would have to chose Linus. I feel like Sabrina herself thinking about it, lol.

Take the opportunities to play God, for they won't be many.


Linus of course! I wouldn't date a playboy. And I find William Holden strangely unattractive. He does nothing for me. I guess I have a thing for older men...

Linus was dedicated, lovable, charming, protective and HOT HOT HOT!!!!

What a silly question. Humphrey Bogart ALWAYS wins!

~Formerly known as "eowynmaiar".


William Holden...I just love him. I've seen him in Paris- When it Sizzles and fell in love. As much as I love Bogey...Holden. Even though he was a playboy

hello, this is Mrs. Norman Maine


You should check out Holden shirtless in Sunset Blvd and Picnic, and for anti hero character Stalag 17.


Definitely Linus...maturity is sexy...

Everybody has a heart. Except some people.


I would have picked Linus Bogart's character


Deffinately Linus, I have a thing for older guys ;)

robert mitchum and me


I would've definitely picked Linus! Linus seemed so sweet, once the viewer realizes he's a human, and a not cold businessman. Plus, Linus seemed so lonely, like he needed someone in his life. David was too much of a playboy that didn't really have respect for women.


David was a womanizer and insincere. Linus has a bucketload of bucks, and only three years to live. Pick Linus.
