I swear I saw this movie in B+W
Now I am watching it in color yet my mother always told me it was in color. I swear I've ONLY seen it in black and white!
Someone tell me I'm not crazy lol.
Now I am watching it in color yet my mother always told me it was in color. I swear I've ONLY seen it in black and white!
Someone tell me I'm not crazy lol.
Perhaps you saw it on a B&W TV? It was nearly 1970 before we got a colored TV. Every year, when the Wizard of Oz was shown, we had to go watch it at my grandmother's because she had a colored TV and we didn't.
sharePerhaps you saw it on a B&W TV? It was nearly 1970 before we got a colored TV. Every year, when the Wizard of Oz was shown, we had to go watch it at my grandmother's because she had a colored TV and we didn't.
It was nearly 1970 before we got a colored TV.
Now I am watching it in color yet my mother always told me it was in color. I swear I've ONLY seen it in black and white!
Someone tell me I'm not crazy lol.
I'M 27!
Maybe you should have read the other posts in this thread. Several people also remembered watching the movie on colour TVs though it was being broadcast in b&w. I'm going to guess that at some point it was re-recorded and distributed as a b&w print for broadcast in b&w during the early sixties--one way to make the thing available at lower cost--and that lazy broadcast studios continued using the same re-recording.
Using your brain is hard work, I admit, but it's better than just calling someone crazy or mentally incapacitated.
"The past is never dead. It's not even past."--Faulkner
Yes, in the 50s and 60s color films were commonly broadcast in b&w by local stations. I collect 16mm films and there are a lot of b&w prints of color films out there.
shareAnd as for the appearance of colourisation/colorisation, consider it was a non 3D version of a 3D movie, there was bound to be weird colour artifacts. Also likely if a Studio wasn't using a Industry Standard colour film process
You are not crazy.
I saw it here in Austria two times (within 2 to 3 years distance) 4 to 5 years ago and both times the movie was shown in B/W. This is not to argue that the movie was originally shot in B/W. Obviously two versions exist.
It was always, always a color film.
shareYes, it's most likely because ov B&W TV set.
A similar story (rather disastrous) has happened to The Beatles' 'Magical mystery tour' TV premiere.
The movie was incredibly colourful,
but they've shown it in B&W, averting most of the viewers.
it's the Mandela Effect
i also am 100% convinced it was B+W but all the evidence is it was shot and released in color.
weird but true