It is TIME for a remake!

I know others have debated the merits of this, but the time has come for a remake of "The Caine Mutiny".

Hollywood seems to be officially out of ideas these days anyway. Why not make a more detailed version based more on Herman Wouk's novel?

Special effects these days could make the endeavour worthwhile in and of itself.

Another more appealing development would be a STRONG May Wynn/Marie Minotti character, just like in the book. I never liked the wimpy, weepy man-dependent performance by "May Wynn" in the original, and I don't think you could get away with an "I-can't-live-without-my-man" rendition in the 21st century, especially since May/Marie was so gutsy and independent in the book.

It may be a long movie, but you could incorporate more of the book. Like Willie's transition from overweight playboy to barely making it through OCS and subsequent assignment to the Caine; the awful living conditions among the lower echelons and his moves up; the fact that the Caine was sent into battle after the mutiny and before the trial; it could touch on the time that Keefer was Captain and the Kamikaze attack; and, my favorite part, where Willie receives his Silver Star and Official Reprimand at the same time in the mail.

Like I said, it may be long, but it would be doable. Cast whoever you like- a star-studded ensemble like the original, a cast of unknowns or a little of both. So long as the script is based on the novel more than the original movie and it's not dumbed-down like the "Red Scare" cinema of the day.

Plus, this could be a summer season blockbuster.

What do you think?


Rather then using the term Remake, how about just another adaptation of the Book, one that emphasizes things this film left out (Like Greenwald's being Jewish and how that affected his attitude).

I'd like a little longer length so they can have Queeg's Rant on the stand go on longer like in the book.

"SLaughter is the best medicine"



The book wasn't adapted properly the first time around. Herman Wouk didn't even like it at all. Incidentally, this film did exactly what everyone is saying the remake would do: cast "now" actors in the parts. That's exactly what was done the first time around. Van Johnson, Humphrey Bogart, Fred MacMurray, etc. They were all name actors who were cast because of their name, rather than whether or not they fit the part. All of them were far too old for the characters they were playing.

It also put in a love story for marketing rather than plot value. In the book, the Willie/Mae relationship is one of the major plots and advances Willie's maturing process. In the film, it's put in but doesn't go anywhere.

The book should be adopted as a miniseries on HBO. That would allow for all the plot and character development that is needed to really tell the story. My vote is that Tom Hanks and Steven Spielburg should adopt this as their next big HBO project.


While the idea of a longer, mini-series remake is intriguing, I shudder at the thought of it. Wouk's Winds of War was done as a mini-series years ago and it was awful. Poorly miscast all the way around. Made me wonder if any one connected with the tv series even read the book. Given how bad tv shows have become, I would prefer that The Caine Mutiny not be touched by the nearly illiterate who run television these days.


Winds of War was actually pretty good -especially for the early 1980's. However, it was miscast.

Robert Mitchum -like Bogart before him- was simply far too old for the main character.


What about Caine Mutiny in space like Outland was High Noon in space, they should do a mutiny on a spaceship with the executive officer removing the captain from command.


I would prefer a sequel, showing Keefer and then Keith commanding the Caine through VJ day. If you read the novel, you'll know that this story makes up the last part of the book.

Although new actors would be needed, I think they could include some flashbacks of Queeg from the original movie.

I disagree with what you are saying, but I will defend to your death your right to say it;-)


I don't see how anyone can compete with Bogie's Queeq.


I know this if 4.5 years old, but I'd like to see big screen adaptation of The Caine Mutiny Court Martial. The play is fantastic and I think that it would make a thrilling film if done right.

Once upon a time, we had a love affair with fire.



I agree it's time has come for a remake. Great story and it would be a film of substance in todays world. I have watched this movie at least 10 times, the latest being 1 hour ago and I have never tired of it. Come on Hollywood get your butt in gear on this one.


Remakes should be illegal.

Remember Rabbit Ears with tin foil?


NO! You don't have Humphrey Bogart, and that role belongs to him. Do you seriously think anyone else could do it better? I realize Hollywood has no new ideas, but that doesn't mean they should take a classic film and trash it--and it would be trashed.


I saw the movie years ago and thought it was a gem, but later discovered that the book was even better. I completely agree that modern special effects would make the typhoon scenes much better than the model ship in the pool effects in the movie version. I am so tired of today's movies based on comic books and children's toys.


Today's movies are junk . . . lousy . . . that's why it can't be remade . . . no need to . . . watch the original . . . and they had better players back in the day . . .
