FNB Promoted inequity, comformity, and a false sense of reality
Although I believe that the intentions were good by the actors and directors of this show, this show just promoted the idea that the man is the leader, children should shut up and obey and not think for themselves, and that a woman's role is to best support her husband. The show reflects this and it comes out of an era that certainly reflected this mentality.
I have several faults with this show, which are in general faults with that era. First, this show illustrated women as best suited in a home as the maternal figure that supports the decisions of the paternal figure. The sexism is pretty much outright and in the open. Statements like, "Women are never so obvious as when they are trying to hide something." Margaret Anderson, clearly very intelligent, very much lived this way. The devoted mother and wife who was more like a side kick to the father than a unique individual even though she went to college. Bringing him his evening drink, softening him up when she wants something in order to get permission instead of thinking she is entitled to it because she carries her own weight. One is left to wonder if she went to college just to meet a husband. You can even see how the female children are submissive to the son a lot or there are pre-conceived expectations that a boy likes this and a girl likes that. Even the neighbors had lives where the man worked, woman at home. The fault in this is less an attack on a woman wanting to be a mother and wife, which is fine if this is what you want, but more that the show says this is what you are supposed to be and if you aren't something is different. And different is wrong.
The inability to talk about politics, global affairs, etc. is constant. I believe this was done not because those issues were never discussed then, but because of an effort to promote this false sense of persistent harmony all the time. People got depressed back then, got angry and yelled, beat each other, got drunk, had affairs, said ignorant things, and often lived in a house that wasn't always all peachy. Peachy sometimes, bad others the way life is and has always been. This show makes you think it was always peachy back then and if your life wasn't like that something was wrong with you.
The show conforms to an ideal that was inequitable and falsely happy. Gender roles, sexism, and inequality blended together in a way where everyone should be happy with it imbues a false reality to that time period. Many women wanted out of the home and to have a career, sought equity with their partner in all affairs, wanted a voice in political affairs, were keen to wear jeans and not always dresses, and wanted to go beyond just being a housewife. Heated discussions about politics occurred, men beat their wives (and often vice versa), and people were people with all their faults, not these strange creatures out of the Stepford Wives.
People who really like this show are, in my opinion, nostalgic for another time where they enjoyed these gender roles. However, for those that wanted to move beyond the stiff conformity and inequity of that era, this show is nothing more than propaganda.
And the father always wore a suit, everywhere. At dinner, when he relaxed. Who wears a suit all the time? Did he sleep in one? That’s just weird.