MovieChat Forums > Shane (1953) Discussion > Underrated on IMBb

Underrated on IMBb

Interesting, "Shane" is rated by most serious critics much higher than on this board. "Shane" is for example rated by AFI (American Film Institute) TOP 100 any time. Here it is not even close to be TOP 250. Though this also goes for other movies - that I might rank higher - like Friedkin's "The French Connection" -, but those movies are at least close to be in the 250. Sometimes I think that the mediocre ranking of "Shane" is caused by amateurs who think that this is a family movie like "Free Willy" or something else. This is of course not the case.

They don't give you the leads, they don't give you the support, they don't give you dick. (Dave Moss)


Agree with you entirely.



Couldn't have said it better, my friend. If I was a complete twit, that is.


If I was? LOL!


Yes, sweetheart. I didn't stutter.




The top 250 is of no consequence (people like this troll Juan who hate all traditional westerns and classic stars are a big part of the reason why so many classics are rated so low), this film is a classic regardless. Top 100 of all time? I think so. It will be remembered.





This is one of those rare movies that you can watch and watch and never get tired of it.



I also find this amazing. I consider Shane one of the 10 to 20 best films I've ever seen.

I noticed a similar low rating phenomenon on Amazon regarding some of the best novels ever penned. What happened with the novels is this: high school & 1st & 2nd year college teachers assigned the novel for reading, but *also* required that their students write a review on Amazon. The result of course is what we might expect when the unsophisticated encounters the sublime. I'm almost certain that younger, more recent imdb reviewers have dragged down the rating; maybe even classroom assigned.


I agree with this thread 100%.

"when the unsophisticated encounters the sublime"

What a great turn of phrase!


Who cares? The whole world knows that the ratings on this website are terribly misleading. I think it's actually good. It teaches you that you gotta judge for yourself whether a movie is good or not by actually watching it and not just going by what others say.
