The Original is Superior!!
I hate people all listing The Thing or Invasion Of The Body Snatchers or The Fly remakes as superior then the originals. When I ask them to explain they come out with crap answers.
1. The Effects are better.
Well, that's unfair to judge consider that the originals could only use the effects that they had in their decade during the time.
2. The Acting is Better.
Again it's unfair to talk about considering in the 50's this was what was expected of acting and dialogue.
The originals I find have a better atmosphere and great suspense. Have they dated? Not in me opinion but I am someone who can watch these kind of movies and I think that is the biggest problem. Most "film fans" I use the word loosely don't have a great understanding of film history or look past the 1960's or even look across the world or different genres.
We need to keep these older films alive and healthy. I am a big fan of these kind of dated classics and I know I'm not the only one out there on this forum.